What are the most important SEO tags?


What are the most important SEO tags?

SEO optimization helps you to position your website in the first places of the search engine

What are the most important SEO tags?


We had already talked before about SEO optimization, about the ease of attracting more leads if the Inbound methodology is used. This time we want to talk about the advantages of optimizing metatags or metatags. These are intended to include reference data about the page, in such a way that web search engines such as Google can more easily track what it is about.

These meta tags can be all those keywords that identify a content: author, date, title h1, h2 and h3, description and even the Keywords themselves. These belong to the HTML code of a web page that although they are invisible to the common user, they give visibility to your website in search engines. 

 Importance of using Meta tags

Meta tags index the page by titles, those by which they should find you on the web. If your ecommerce is well indexed, your content will appear in the first few achievements when you write one of the keywords you use, which is why SEO tags for each page with content are so important. In this way, when a page has optimized goals it can be more relevant, but it is not everything. Nowadays, other SEO steps are needed to be able to rise to the top of search engines like Google. 

The tags for SEO is information that the Google algorithm also uses to include it in its information base and take it into account when someone searches for something related to their keywords, also to classify your type of web page. These algorithms, in addition to seeing the quality of your content, rate it. 

What are SEO tags for?

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is composed of a number of techniques used to position. One of these techniques is to rewrite the HTML structure of a web page and ensure that the meta tags are well placed in every aspect of a web page. 

The most important tags for SEO are the main title H1, the secondary title H2 and the tertiary H3, although in sizes it is easier to see the difference. But it is important that you also know the task that each one fulfills for positioning. One piece of advice about any of these titles is that hyperlinks should not be placed in them, because they should be quite important on their own, that is, all the information. These are HTML header tags and are used as follows:

Title H1: It is the largest title on the page, normally this space is occupied by the keyword of a specific page and it is noted as the title that stands out the most due to its large size. For search engines, the H1 tag specifies the highlights of the content. In blog entries it is already set to automatic and it is important that only a single H1 is found on the page so as not to confuse bots. 

How is the H1 used? 

It is necessary for SEO purposes that its structure includes the main keyword, in some types of software the H1 is copied as the meta tags title that is used to appear in searches but it is better that they be written separately because the second, it must meet a specific number of letters, which you can see with a SERP tool. 

Title H2: These are the labels that are given to the subtitles of the pages. It helps a lot when you want to structure the content in a better way and in the case of search engines they are also easily crawled. Unlike the previous one, if more than two H2s can be used on a page but they must be related to each other to be considered relevant. 

How is H2 used?

For positive effects on SEO, the H2 tag helps to make more sense of the text and show Google other Keywords for which you want to position. Although the keywords used in H2 titles should be variations of the main one. They will really serve you to divide parts of the text or topics of the content that you are touching on a page. In SEO article writing, it is advisable to use more than three H2s in the text, and it must be clearly related to what it says in it. 

Title H3: The H3 tags are the smallest, it is not so necessary within the text but they help to divide different ideas that can be found in an H2. The keywords for which you want to rank are also used in this tag, and generally long-tail or long-tail ones are used more. But it is not advisable to use it in excess. 

In other words, the H1 tag is for the main titles of each page, example: Inbound Marketing Agency, the H2 are the secondary titles in which, in addition to using the main keyword, variations of it are used and in the H3 variations are used Of all the keywords and semantics, one must be used after the other because otherwise an error can be thrown in the HTML code. In other words, never use an H3 before the H2 or an H2 before an H1. 

SEO tags

Other tags for SEO

In addition to the titles h1, h2, h3 it is necessary that you take into account other types of labels to the images and infographics that you attach to your content or images of the products. Every graphic element in addition to being its own should have a description, an alternative tag (ALT) and an image title if you are allowed to. Sometimes also for better seo application to these pages the url of the images is molded to the type of content. 

In general terms, they are quite important because they also make it easier for the algorithm to rank your photos in search engines and rate the type of content that you are publishing on each page. Did you know that you can position your content through infographics? Yes, but these must be well defined and identified with their labels. 

Why use meta tags?

  • ✓Because they help you to properly structure and hierarchize the content.
  • ✓Allows users to see content that is more ordered and rich to read. 
  • ✓If you do it the right way, it can help you to position your content in the first places of the search engine.
  • ✓ They allow you to give a clear idea of ​​what you are going to talk about on that page. 
  • ✓ Prioritize the importance of each topic
  • ✓ They allow you to position the images of your articles in search engines.

What are the most important SEO tags

The optimization of meta tags is very important for any new web page or ecommerce that wants to generate sales, since the visibility of a web page is important to be able to generate traffic in an organic way. So pay attention to the details whenever you add new content to your page make sure to optimize these SEO tags:

✓Title Pag: It is the label that is responsible for clearly showing what your content is about. It must be composed of 50-60 characters to be displayed in the SERPs         

✓H1, H2, H3: They are the labels of the headings of the content of the web page, their function is to identify the headlines from the most important to the least relevant. And in addition to those three mentioned above there are also H4, H5, H6.

✓ALT tag The ALT tag or attribute is the image tag, in which you can describe what the product is about. The image makes it easier to position and read what it is about in case it does not load. 

✓Meta description: The meta description can be included in the header of a web page is the short description of your content that reflects the essence of the page as such.

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