Google will limit the information it provides to its Google Ads advertisers


Google will limit the information it provides to its Google Ads advertisers

Learn about the updates that Google implemented for advertisers

Google will limit the information it provides to its Google Ads advertisers

It is not a new thing, Google updates are already more and more continuous, especially those related to the position in search engines. The algorithms have not changed but the advertising rules have been, because Google has started to alert Google Ads advertisers with the news that they will soon stop showing search queries that triggered their ads when there is no data that they consider really significant, for those users.

Google’s spokesperson to Search Engine Land after responding to a tweet from a user shocked by the news, explained that: “In order to maintain their privacy standards and strengthen protections around user data, they have made changes to the Report of search terms to include only the terms that a significant number of users searched for ”.

google ads

The concern of some marketers lies in the curiosity of how Google will identify the significant. Because clearly the goal is to prevent Google Ads advertisers from using minimal query data to probe personal information. This is because sometimes users use very specific search terms. But beyond the protection of user data, which is nothing new, it would be limiting advertisers who pay for each click and taking away the opportunity to obtain valuable data. 

What can happen with modifying Google Ads

Clearly, advertisers will have less and less data and control over the queries that trigger their ads on Google. Well, by not having access to that list of negative words, they will no longer know what data to use to carry out efficient Google Ads campaigns. Do you know what negative keywords are? the negative keyword is the one that prevents a word or set of words from triggering an ad. That is, when you select them in Google, it is responsible for not showing the ads to any user who searches for that phrase cataloged as negative keywords. And so a campaign can be made more efficient. 

Thus, this change may mean that advertisers will not be able to run an n-gram scan on low-volume keyword groups. Which helps to see more clearly which keywords are the most suitable. It is also clarified that advertisers will no longer have access to report downloads.

Why is Google still a safe bet for many strategists?

In case you didn’t know, according to the digital marketing company, Web Presence Solutions , Google is responsible for 94% of all organic traffic. And at the same time 57% of marketers in the B2B segment believe that SEO allows them to generate more leads than any other marketing activity, according to Hubspot. Which makes it clear how much the positioning in the most used search engine worldwide matters. On the other hand, one of the best options for companies that is just becoming known, since the importance of having a presence in the corner of doubts, gives them the opportunity to attract people truly interested in their services or products. 

Due to the new reality due to the coronavirus, more and more companies began to join the digital media. As in the case of Google my business, which allows SMEs to continue operating and be found in their locality for an online service. In this way, ads are used to achieve goals, in an age where most revenue has shrunk and not having access to those little details in advertisements can mean going blind to the ring. 


Now Google Ads will only show the search results of campaigns that generated a high impact and a high number of users clicked. So if your ad was not “significant” it is possible that you can no longer see information about the users who clicked. And even if it turns out to lose some control over consumer information, it means rethinking advertising investment, especially if you are a brand that believes in inbound marketing.

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