Social networks vs website: which is more important in the marketing strategy?


Social networks vs website: which is more important in the marketing strategy?

We will explain to you which objectives help you meet each one, so that you can prioritize the actions of your digital strategy.

Social networks and the website within a company are two important factors for the positioning of your brand or business on the internet. We will explain to you which objectives help you meet each one, so that you can prioritize the actions of your digital strategy.

Social media is a powerful tool that represents the brand on the most popular platforms and where the market niche is large, they are represented by being means of dissemination about products, services and creating a community. 

Such is the point that small businesses have started their movement in social networks, achieving reach, leads, loyal customers and sales. However, on the website it is essential if the objective is to position your brand within the web, to achieve an increase in the audience and exposure of possible clients.

Because, potential customers expect a company to have a web page as part of its digital presentation or exhibition where it represents its experience, personality, market trajectory, services and products in detail; This is the basis for brand positioning and recognition. 

In addition, on the web or blog you can monitor the scope, visits, landing, time of permanence to know if the content is effective and attracts leads, there are various tools such as Google Analytics  that will help you measure the trajectory. 

One of the main objectives of websites is to  position themselves in the first places of searches, so you can attract a specific target that reaches potential customers with purchase intention. To do this, it must comply with programming standards and good SEO practices. 

Learn about SEO for ecommerce: strategies for online stores 

Learn more about social media vs. the website within your marketing strategy 

Web page 

The priority of marketing specialists is to put the company in visibility and obtain measurable results. For this it is important to know that a site is created for the following:

– Brand identity: This factor is more than defining the colors of the company, within are the values, slogans, the location of the elements and the correct communication of the basic information of the company. 

-Good use: Most of the people who browse and access a web page do so from a mobile device, for this reason the website must have a responsive design to give a powerful response like a computer. This includes fast loading and arrangement of all sections. 

– Greater conversion: A correctly optimized web page transforms visits and subscriptions into customers, this transition is achieved through a good user experience that invites them to make purchases without being aggressive. 

Learn about how to improve the user experience on a website. A common question for small businesses is the following.

Should I have a website if I have social networks?

For new entrepreneurs, the website does not take on greater importance within the digital strategy, therefore they are left only with the use of social networks. This is not a serious crime, however they are wasting the opportunity for growth and the potential to form the basis for the growth of an online business. 

The first thing you should do to know if it is convenient for you to implement a web page or continue only with social networks, put yourself in the place of customers. 

Ask yourself how would you like to find the products? What would be the easiest way to obtain information? How would you like to be treated? What would be the fastest method to pay? Who would you want to connect with if a question arises? 

Now analyze where you take your customers to find out about your products or services. Would a Facebook or Instagram profile be a good option? Are these pages optimized and easy to find information about the brand? Do they generate confidence to choose you?

According to Google, 67% of Latin Americans do research before making a purchase and make sure it is the best option. This means that users not only visit your social networks, but also your website because within this it is safer to find specific information than in a graphic piece within the feed of the social network. 

One of the significant drawbacks is that the website does not exist or is outdated and these are the reasons why users do not choose your brand and go with the competition. Because, within business, demonstrating consistency and gaining trust is the door to producing secured leads.

Remember, if there is no trust, there are no sales. 

For this reason, it is recommended that you dedicate time and resources to create a website that represents the brand and is an ally in the digital strategy. Here more information about how we make a website with the qualified characteristics to obtain more sales . 

It is important to choose the type of website for the growth and effectiveness of the business, we will show you which one favors your marketing strategy. 

At this point we indicate that your company’s website is the center of all digital strategy and that through social networks a closer contact is created and maintained until loyalty is reached. 

Why is the website the center of the strategy? 

The web is the center or showcase of your company to the digital world because through a good structure and attractive content, in the long term you will be able to obtain excellent organic search results to attract leads without paying for advertising. In addition, with an optimized site, the brand will be positioned as a benchmark in your sector. 

What is the role of social networks?

Social networks have an important part of digital participation in the distribution of content that you generate on the web. These are additional channels that work to connect with prospects and current customers in order to maintain a close relationship and humanize the brand. 

For this reason, social networks vs. the website are essential for the marketing strategy because in combination they boost business growth exponentially.

Social media

-Generate interaction and trust: Social media is the ideal channel to establish contact between the business and the customer like a physical store. This is so, since within these interaction pages the objective is to grow in a loyal community and representatives of the brand with the intention of recommending. 

– Additional sales channel: Networks are channels with a strong impact on users due to their influence on constant use, for this reason it is not new that within these platforms there is an active e-commerce place. Since platforms such as Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shopping are consolidated in this sense, they help to market, highlight products and facilitate the purchase process. 

-They segment the market: Social networks with a lower investment than traditional advertising channels are a great tool to reach the profile of the target customer through their tastes, age, location and interests.

-Data source: Through the measurement and statistical tools in each social network, information can be obtained about the user profiles that visit the company’s page or the amount of income. This information is used to guide marketing and advertising campaigns or redirect advertising content to make it more attractive to the buyer.   

Advantages of having a presence on social networks and website

-Positioning and exposure within the search engines 

-Creation of engagement in social networks and attraction of leads. 

-Increase of interest in customers about your products and services, higher sales. 

-Web analysis on the most recurring and attractive content for your audience. 

-Analytics and web measurement on how users found your content.

-Return of investment (ROI) according to your objectives.

-Recommendation of current clients through a single link. 

Find out how to create engagement in social networks

The union of both channels provides greater business growth and brand stability since they enhance the distribution of content through the platforms most visited by users. Both channels are the basis for the digital strategy of a company whose goal is to grow and win customers, the web and social networks complement each other to reach a single objective that is to sell and make the brand visible to a greater public. 

The investment in creating a website will have the desired result, just dedicate time and effort to your strategy creating a solid base that allows you to grow and project a professional and transparent image that generates trust. 

If you have not yet created or optimized your website and you lack interactions on social networks, start now and show the world your brand! Social networks vs website: which is more important in the marketing strategy?

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