4 ways to SPAM on Linkedin that you have been doing and did not realize


4 ways to SPAM on Linkedin that you have been doing and did not realize

Linkedin is the social network with the largest number of users identified as business decision-makers

4 ways to SPAM on Linkedin that you have been doing and did not realize


Linkedin has become a very powerful sales channel, but some sellers do not adapt to the new digital environment and repeat some errors that are currently considered SPAM, such as the massive sending of private messages. Here are the 4 practices that you should avoid if you want to connect with your audience through this professional network.

1. Send messages without personalizing to connect on Linkedin

A common mistake when connecting with another user on Linkedin is sending messages without personalizing. That is, not placing an appropriate greeting and an excerpt that captures the attention of the person receiving the request. In fact, that first impression, so direct and little managed, can be automatically taken as SPAM.

It is advisable to study your target users. Check their posts, interact with some, leave valuable comments. It creates a space of professional trust and genuine interest so that the user feels comfortable. If you do this, it is very likely that the next contact will be much easier to specify and that they will give more value to your offer.

2. Use a message focused solely on selling

The second most common mistake is to focus all your communication on sales. Sending messages that offer discounts or with commercial tactics are very badly received, especially when you send the mail in bulk. Linkedin is not an email to promote or persuade without a strategy. 

In Linkedin users can receive a certain number of promoted publications, losing the opportunity due to SPAM is a bad move that can cost you part of your budget without any return.

Also, users hate being sold to them. You can have a totally negative effect on your brand’s reputation. 

What Richarson, sales expert and founder of Score More Sale, suggests is that we first get familiar with the user’s routine before sending bulk messages and that will cause immediate rejection. In this way, the consumption trend on Linkedin by the target audience will be known and we will be able to optimize our communication so that the message sent is effective and well received. 

Richardson also suggests that it is important to create an invitation message and include a short career story, news from the organization you serve, input from other users, and why your help is effective. 

3. Send spam to forums on Linkedin

Within the famous network there are discussion forums and in many cases sellers enter only to post links that lead to their content. This practice is harmful and ends up destroying forums. 

The right thing to do is to handle messages that help the topic of joint interest. 

  • ✔ Post content that is useful to forum members, thereby generating interest.
  • ✔ Don’t sell, connect, hook your audience. The commercial thing comes later.
  • ✔ Don’t make the mistake of interrupting a conversation by commenting on messages linked to your sales content. 

4. Create fake accounts to keep an eye on the competition

There is a variety of use in this action, some sellers instead of creating their own community decide to create fake accounts in order to monitor the users of the competition. What they do in this case is connect from the fake account and see the referrals to steal customers.

Tips to avoid spam on Linkedin

  • ✔ Connect with users: react to their content, interact with them in their environment first.
  • ✔ Use friendly messages, do not try to ask for contact information from the first interaction.
  • ✔ A tip to connect with Linkedin users is to invite them to participate in some activity of your company when the topic is of interest to them. 
  • ✔ Offers value offers, downloadable, free premium content. 
  • ✔ Help more, sell less.

Sellers know that Linkedin and especially Linkedin Sales Navigator  is the most effective sales tool because it allows identifying, connecting and involving Linkedin users (leads), especially because people’s information remains active. 

Why use Linkedin to sell?

According to Hootsuite, Linkedin  is having a growth in users and with the updates it corresponds to an updated network without limits to transmit information. 

  • ✔ Linkedin has 675 million monthly users and gets 2 new users every second. 
  • ✔ 61% of Linkedin users are between 25 and 34 years old. 

The brands are also found in this application, generating informative and work content for the following users with an objective focused on the professional field, benefit of the brand in communion with the interested people. 

  • ✔ 30 million companies use Linkedin
  • ✔ 62% of specialists affirm that Linkedin generates potential clients 
  • ✔ 89% of B2B marketers use Linkedin to generate leads
  • ✔ 97% of B2B marketers use Linkedin for content marketing

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