SEO on Instagram: How to do it : Complete Guide


SEO on Instagram: How to do it: Complete Guide

Find out what are the specific factors where you must apply SEO to get views.

SEO on Instagram: How to do it


Will SEO on Instagram be possible? Of course. Remember that there is a search engine within the platform, therefore, there are the conditions to apply  keywords . However, we do not seek to appear in the first place of Google, but, in the first search results within the same application.

As you know, Instagram was, is and continues to evolve to be one of the first social networks for companies due to the functionality of displaying visually attractive content, providing added value and generating feelings of closeness with the product or service offered. For this reason, if your brand is a creator of content on Instagram, what you should do is show it to the desired audience and this will be achieved by optimizing your account through SEO.

Step to apply SEO on Instagram:

Optimize your profile for effective searches

The search bar is the directory of all registered accounts, here you can digitize a query like in Google to discover news, accounts, hashtags and locations. The results are shown by many factors, the accounts followed, connectivity, recurrence, photos and videos that you like on Instagram are included. HOWEVER, THEY ARE ALSO BASED ON THE KEYWORD.

When you make a query, for example Ukeleles, the social network will classify millions of relevant accounts with this query and will show you the best results .

For example in this case the first result is from Flightukelele. so it is completely possible to appear in keyword searches, all you need is to optimize the account. To know what is the keyword with which I should position myself, I recommend the Keyword Tool

One of the most important factors is the name and username.

Within this section you can include the keyword, however we know that it is a bit complicated sometimes to do it.

As can be seen in the previous image, the name itself contains the keyword. However, there are times when it does not have it and that is not bad because we understand about the identity of the brand. But the bio name section on the page is fully customizable so that users can understand what the brand is about or what it offers.

This is an excellent idea to improve the chances and chances of being visible with the keyword . Tambi én can add hashtag with the keyword so you have more choices to appear in the sections of the query bar.

You should know that in this way you will not only visually enrich the profile of the account, but also that Instagram tracks the biographies to fill in data and understand what the account is about.

Use #hashtags with the keyword

Using relevant hashtags in the descriptions, stories of the page is a fundamental key to being discovered and this means greater number of followers, interaction and more. 

Making a comparison between hashtags and Google, these are used specifically as keywords whereby the accounts reach a greater audience and people discover them.

For this reason, you will surely remember that to be classified for a keyword you must create content related to that query, the same happens with Instagram on improving visibility and SEO can help you with optimization. If the account is public and you use the hashtag for a publication, the result will be visible to anyone interested in the content generated by your brand.

At the same time, you should know that hashtags have greater uses apart from improving visibility, they can be used to create communities, view user-generated content, create campaigns and investigate its recurrence by the public.

It is very important to use them, otherwise you could be missing the opportunity to achieve an optimized page and become visible to the ideal users.

Use subtitles

Finding the ideal page on Instagram can not only be achieved by hashtag or location tags, but also by descriptive and relevant captions.

To make these subtitles you must understand the Instagram algorithm evolutively learns from the behaviors you perform such as; frequent activity, recurring words and interactions.

Instagram mentioned that it collects activity information to show users accurate content in the Explore section, therefore, it is important to optimize the brand’s profile because this way, it may appear in the Explore section for potential users.

For this reason, the subtitles are the source set so that Instagram can classify the page and offer the content that you generate in order to satisfy the needs of interested users and provide you with greater coverage.

The tags

These are a source of visits and / or new followers because the moment a user tags your brand in a post or story, a person from their friends list can click on the name of your account and access it. In this way, we drive discovery.

One of the most tentative ways to get tagged is to create effective content so that people want to share it. A trend this year was for users to share a brand publication in their stories, turning them into stickers that lead to the original Instagram.

In addition, being tagged or mentioned is a generator of trust and preference because not all people take the time to post something that does not attract their attention. On the contrary, they value the brand and spread it through these sections on their profile.

Track your reach on Instagram

At this stage you will wonder if SEO on Instagram is paying off, surely we all asked the same question. This is completely normal because a strategy is being used that must have solid data and statistics that will allow to improve the content in the future to have a better landing.

When you update the page to a commercial profile or created on Instagram, you can use the Instagram Insights tool and discover the statistics of: followers, people reached, saved, shared, tags and ratings.

Avoid using Black Hat SEO

Not only is Google the only platform that detects tactics that circumvent the operating system, Instagram is also working on finding these accounts and punishing them.

The social network has implemented a shadowban for users who constantly break the rules, some Black Hat SEO tactics you detect are:

-Pay for bots.

-Appropriate content from other accounts

-Use filler keywords

-Follow multiple accounts in a short time

-Buy followers

SEO strategies work in the long term, sometimes it can be exasperating not to see immediate results, however, using these methods to achieve quick reach can end in disastrous consequences. It is better to see the result of success in a stable future than to collapse from running in a hurry.  Remember that SEO not only works for Google, but for all social networks with a query bar, so get to work and optimize that profile

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