Back 4 Blood is more than a Left 4 Dead by another name: action, customization and better missions
Back 4 Blood is more than a Left 4 Dead by another name: action, customization and better missions
3DJuegos talks to Turtle Rock about his new zombie action game and the improvements it incorporates.

The now classic Left 4 Dead marked a whole generation of fans of cooperative action so now that its authors have returned to the fray with a new zombie shooter game , the expectation for Back 4 Blood has been maximum. So much so that during the early access to its beta B4B it gathered 100,000 simultaneous players on Steam , which speaks volumes about the anticipation surrounding this project. But … how much of Left 4 Dead is there in Back 4 Blood? At 3DJuegos we had the opportunity to chat with one of the founders of Turtle Rock to talk about his new zombie action game.
It was very important to ensure that B4B was very accessibleChris Ashton“It was fun to return to the zombie genre but we wanted Back 4 Blood to go its own way,” told us Chris Ashton , design director behind this promising action game that marks the difference from L4D in aspects such as the eight characters , “each one of them with his own history and way of being, but also, his own way of playing “.
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The creative refers to the fact that each character “has their starting equipment, the weapons and objects they start with”; but it also talks about ” certain advantages ” that at higher levels of difficulty can be decisive for success. “Someone may heal faster, or bring in some extra ammo.” Therefore, although initially we will most likely choose characters based on their appearance, as things get difficult, fans will begin “to use these characters based on their qualities, that is, being more strategic as they go. you advance “.
It was fun to go back to the zombie genre but we wanted Back 4 Blood to go its own wayChris AshtonAlthough, without a doubt, the card system is the one that makes the most difference with respect to the legendary Left 4 Dead. “We are a totally cooperative oriented game. So it was very important to ensure that B4B was very accessible, that you can play anytime with your friends regardless of your skill level .” That’s why, adds Chris Ashton, it doesn’t matter if a player has played “a thousand hours and you only play ten; we wanted you to be able to team up and jump into action regardless. So this progression system with cards is looking for you to be able to get things done and fight even better. “

The idea of Turtle Rock is that the cards you use for yourself can also sometimes benefit the team, for example improving their medicine cabinets. With four players in action, each of them could specialize in a specific task , such as the healer, or the one that provides ammunition or causes more damage; and it is that kind of combat strategies that want to make the difference with other games of the style. Also, adds the creative, these cards can be stacked, so if two players use two cards of the same style, their effect is increased.
Back 4 Blood discards mods at launchNot forgetting that there are many more customization options by also having weapon modifiers such as sights, chargers or silencers; as well as various gadgets and extra resources such as grenades, Molotov cocktails or even barbed wire to protect the position. As we told you in our impressions of Back 4 Blood after playing the spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead , the Turtle Rock game also has a new competitive multiplayer that has pleasantly surprised us.
In this same interview, Chris Ashton confirmed that Back 4 Blood runs out of mods at launch , although they may later include them. On the other hand, we remind you that the game will be available from day one on Xbox Game Pass, which is exciting to Turtle Rock .