Copywriting and web writing: when the Spanish language becomes a marketing tool
Copywriting and web writing: when the Spanish language becomes a marketing tool
We never tire of saying it, the perfect command of the language will allow you to find a job more easily and maintain your credibility. In what other professional fields will you benefit from Spanish?
Well, in marketing and advertising ! Sure! In fact, the Spanish language is essential in marketing .
The copywriting as a tool to persuade customers: Copywriting and web writing: when the Spanish language becomes a marketing tool
The profession of copywriter consists of using a few words to convince customers to consume a product or service. The copywriter is also known as:
- «Conceptor-editor»
- or “copywriter.”
The copywriter must display great creativity, a rich vocabulary, impeccable spelling and excellent grammar to convince the consumer in just a few words. What techniques can you use?
- The AIDA method (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)
- The QQDCCP method (Who, What, Where, When, How, Why?)
- The narrative method
- Henry Hoke’s method (Describe-Promise-Prove-Develop)
- Christian Godefroy’s method
If you think about it, we are all copywriters in a way. We all use language in our day to day to convince, sell, persuade … Do you write your CV? You use copywriting to seduce. Do you write an ad to rent a flat? You use copywriting to convince potential buyers.
The web writing to publicize a product
Halfway between advertising and journalism, web writing is a discipline that continues to evolve in Spain and throughout the world. A web writer must have a creative spirit, be curious, demonstrate his general culture … In short, know all the notions of our language.
The goal of web writers is to write content optimized and adapted to the web to improve the positioning of web pages in search engines.
How are these journalism professions different?
Although both the copywriter and the web writer use the language of Cervantes as a professional tool, like journalists, there are several differences:
- The web writing seeks to sell and convince (while journalists limit themselves to transmitting information objectively).
- The support: the writing codes for the web and the written press are not the same.
- Referencing: essential in the writing of web pages, since it facilitates their positioning.
- The recipient : a copywriter will have to convince very specific recipients.
Despite the differences, the Spanish language is the cornerstone of these professions. Everyone should know the grammar rules, use a well-polished syntax, know the stylistic figures, etc. It is important to learn from a young age to master the mother tongue, since it will become an indispensable asset for our professional career.
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