Course for Local Police opposition


Course for Local Police opposition

description: Course for Local Police opposition

If you want to prepare to pass the Local Police  examinations with this Campus Training course, you will train yourself to get a local public official position. You will be trained by the hand of a personal tutor who will develop a study plan adapted to you and with specialized teachers with a lot of experience.

In addition, you will have at your disposal a personal trainer to help you prepare for physical tests and a nutritional counseling service

Being a policeman is more than performing a job: it is fulfilling every day the mission of guaranteeing the safety of all citizens.

Therefore, if there is something that unites all the members of the State Security Forces and Bodies, it is courage and commitment to their country and its inhabitants . If you want to dedicate yourself day by day to a work of such social relevance and opt for a well-paid job with maximum stability , you need good guidance in your preparation.

The bodies of the Local Police must exercise the following functions , among others:

  • Protect the authorities of the local corporations, and surveillance or custody of their buildings and facilities.
  • Order, signal and direct traffic in the urban area, in accordance with the provisions of the traffic regulations.
  • Instruct reports for traffic accidents within the urban area.
  • Cooperate in the resolution of private conflicts when they are required to do so.

In general, these are some of the attractive advantages that holding a position as an autonomous official such as Local Police offers you:

  • Workstation with maximum stability.
  • Salaries from € 1,700 to € 2,300 per month . (They may vary depending on the city council or the contracting entity)
  • 14 and a half pay a year.
  • Holidays and business days ( 40 days minimum per year).
  • Triennia. Salary increases of approximately 5%, apart from the CPI, for seniority.
  • Possibilities of internal promotion from the first year with reserved places.
  • Possibility of leaves of absence .

Access tests: Course for Local Police opposition

The selection procedure of the call for Local Police Local Corporations of the corresponding Community  consists of the following phases:


The tests to be passed in the opposition phase will be the following, each and every one of them eliminatory:

  1. Psychotechnical tests : Aimed at verifying that the aptitudes and personality traits of the applicants are the most suitable for the police function to be carried out.
  2. Physical tests : Adequate to the necessary capacity for the functions to be carried out and aimed at checking, among other aspects, the conditions of balance, speed, resistance and coordination.
  3. Knowledge test : They will consist of the answer, in writing, of the issues that make up the opposition.

Once these tests have been passed, the competition phase will proceed to assess the merits provided by the applicant.


Applicants must pass a selective course at the corresponding Comprehensive Community Safety Training Center.


Applicants must pass, in a single call, an internship period, which will last 6 months, in the respective municipality.

previous requirements: Course for Local Police opposition


You must have Spanish nationality . 

  • AGE

You must be  18 years old  and not exceed the maximum retirement age  . 


You cannot have been convicted of   intentional crimes or separated from the service of the State, the Autonomous, Local or Institutional Administration, or find yourself disqualified from the exercise of public functions.


Be in possession of the Bachelor’s Degree, Technical or equivalent .

You must be in possession of a   class B driving license .


You cannot be included in any of the causes of  physical or mental exclusion  that impede or impair your functional or operational capacities for your performance as a National Police (established in Annex III of the call)


You must make the commitment to  carry weapons  and to use them when necessary and according to established protocols.

Proof of physical fitness by presenting a medical certificate issued on an official form and signed by a practicing collegiate , in which it is expressly stated that the applicant meets the necessary and sufficient physical and sanitary conditions to carry out physical exercises that are specified in the corresponding call.

teaching materials

  • Audiovisual content . We are committed to the fastest, most comfortable and flexible way to learn. In our training platform you can attend live classes and ask your teacher questions. Save time and access your training 24 hours a day and from any device.
  • Agenda reviewed daily . Every day, a team of professionals reviews the official bulletins of each community, writes the new updates and automatically informs the student body.
  • Continuous evaluations . The student does not move on to the next lesson until we ensure that the previous one has been properly assimilated. In addition, we regularly carry out reminder evaluations to gradually consolidate the knowledge acquired.

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