Course for Local Police opposition


Course for Local Police opposition

description: Course for Local Police opposition

Do you want to approve the Local Police Oppositions ? Get ready to get the job you want with this online course. Access your classes online and study at your own pace, but with personalized follow-up. Practice with mock real exams, physical test prep, and more. Get FREE !

previous requirements: Course for Local Police opposition

This MasterD exam preparation course is available to enroll in  all Autonomous Communities .

To take the exams of the Local Police and to be able to enroll in this exam preparation course , you must first meet the following requirements:

  • Have the title of  Baccalaureate , Second-degree Vocational Training or an equivalent title (with the exception of  Catalonia,  where a graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education, School Graduate or equivalent is needed ; and the Basque Country, where the qualification required for category a the one to be entered).

other necessary requirements

  • Be Spanish or have Spanish nationality.
  • Be 16 or 18 years of age according to the call conditions. The  upper limit depends  on the autonomous community.
  • Have a minimum height of  1.65 meters for women and 1.70 for men
  • Hold driving licenses  A or A2  (depending on the call and the convening body)  and B .
  • Not suffering from illness or physical defect that prevents the performance of the functions, in accordance with the  table of medical exclusions established in the bases of each call .
  • Not having been separated by disciplinary proceedings from the State service, from the autonomous communities or from local entities. 
  • Commitment to carry weapons and their use.

teaching materials

The materials for this course to prepare for oppositions are adapted to the laws of all the Autonomous Communities. 

You can access your classes on the virtual campus and attend live online classes . 

You will also have a personalized follow-up throughout the course, which will help you pass the tests easily.

  • Mock exams based on official tests
  • Preparation of physical tests with personal trainer 3.0
  • Preparation for personal interviews
  • Practical cases according to current legislation

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