Course for opposition of the National Police


Course for opposition of the National Police

description: Course for opposition of the National Police

Work ensuring the safety of all citizens! The National Police examinations   give you the opportunity to develop a professional career in the State Security Forces and Bodies. Get a  stable position  with great job and salary advantages.

We assure you that with this preparation you can  turn your passion into your profession  and apply to one of the  frequent  calls that come out every year  to access a well-paid job with  maximum stability .

Access tests: Course for opposition of the National Police

  • 1st TEST
    • You will have to overcome several  physical exercises .
  • 2nd TEST 
    • You will have to pass a  questionnaire  of one hundred questions with a single correct answer in fifty minutes. 
    • You will have to answer a questionnaire in writing to evaluate your  spelling ability . 
  • 3rd TEST
    • You must pass a  medical examination . 
    • You will do a  personal interview  in which you will face a personality test, a biographical information questionnaire and an evaluation of your curriculum vitae.
    • You will take a  psychotechnical test  that will assess your aptitude for the performance of the police function.
    • You will be able to carry out, on a voluntary basis, an  exercise of  knowledge of the  English or French languages (only one of them), which will be able to improve up to a point the final mark of the opposition.


You can prepare an opposition with multiple specialties:

  • Special Operations Group (GEO)
  • Central Brigade for Technological Research (BCIT)
  • Central Narcotics Brigade (BCE)
  • Central Unit for Attention to the Family and Women
  • Police Intervention Units (UIP)
  • Cavalry Unit
  • Canine Guides Unit
  • Mobile Brigade – Police in transport
  • Subsoil and Environmental Protection Unit
  • Prevention and Reaction Units
  • Private Security Units
  • Air Media
  • Unit Against Immigration Networks and Documentary Falsehoods
  • Clandestine Immigration Response Brigade

previous requirements: Course for opposition of the National Police


You must have Spanish nationality . 

  • AGE

You must be  18 years old  and not exceed the maximum retirement age  . 


You cannot have been convicted of   intentional crimes or separated from the service of the State, the Autonomous, Local or Institutional Administration, or find yourself disqualified from the exercise of public functions.


You must be in possession of the  title  of Bachelor or equivalent.

You must be in possession of a   class B driving license .


You cannot be included in any of the causes of  physical or mental exclusion  that impede or impair your functional or operational capacities for your performance as a National Police (established in Annex III of the call)


You must make the commitment to  carry weapons  and to use them when necessary and according to established protocols.

You must measure at least  1.65 meters  if you are a man and  1.60  if you are a woman.

teaching materials


  • A specialist teacher guides you and gives you all the keys and tricks to  get the most out  of these two programs.



  • They are essential for the preparation of an opposition! You will learn from  how to exercise your memory  to the best techniques to learn entire chapters of a book.



  • A specialist teacher performs real psychotechnical tests live and explains  the logic  of each exercise.

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