How should an online store be in 2017 for it to be successful?: E-COMMERCE TRENDS 2.017

If you are thinking of having an online store , or improving a website with e-commerce that you already have running, we will tell you what an online store should be like to be successful , how an online store should be so that it stands out among the thousands of stores existing online.

If you are at the point of ” my online store does not sell ” ” how to sell more with my online store ” ” how to have a successful online store ” or you are even thinking ” What is the best seller on the Internet? “We are going to discuss the trends in e-commerce or online stores to succeed in this 2.017, and if you are still not convinced of the reasons why today it is essential that you sell online (have an online store or not, but having a presence on the Internet with an informative website about your services / products is vital), we recommend that you remain attentive because you may be missing an opportunity.

And it is that the turnover of online stores in Spain does not stop growing, only in the first quarter of 2016 it was 5,400 million euros as published by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), and this figure is a 21.5% more than in the same period of 2.015.

And it is that we are increasingly used to buying at any time and place, and without queues, so everything indicates that the trend of buying online will continue to increase.

Therefore, whether you already have an online store or if you need a comprehensive web development of your online store , let’s see how to create the perfect online store .

–           First, it must be a website with an online store or professional e-commerce , with an appropriate corporate image, adapted to your products / services as well as your business philosophy. Would you leave your business in the hands of anyone? Well, with an online store it is the same, it is your showcase to the whole world, and if the user enters your online store and the website takes time to load, the shopping cart or the payment gateway do not work perfectly, if the photos of Your products or facilities are not good, if you have to go around a thousand times to buy a product or find a service, you simply go to the competition, you have already lost that customer forever.

–           Your online or e-commerce store must be adapted to all types of screens, we want to believe that no professional is going to create a web that is not responsive at this point , but … make sure they know how to do it, because we see things of the more seedy and outdated every day. And if you already have your online store and it is not responsive, it should be as soon as possible because you are losing customers. The e-Commerce Mobile or m-Commerce has come to stay and there are already more searches and purchases from mobile devices than from PCs and large screens.

–           Navigation must be easy and intuitive, the user experience is essential. Group products / services by categories, highlight the buy button well, etc.

–           On the home page of your website (sell directly online or not) a user already has to know at a glance what you sell, images and short phrases are very important.

–           The registration or contact forms should not be an interrogation, request only the essential fields.

–           Have a section with FAQ’s or frequently asked questions.

–           Include a blog, a news or news section where you can talk about one-to-one with your users, so that you can see that behind the web there is one (or several) people, and do so based on your best keywords and long tail to position r, but without obsessing, that the text is legible and not a repetitive torture.

–           Whenever it is related to your products or services , accompany your online store with videos , also your professional social networks . And of course, with quality images.

– Retargeting or remarketing, that is, recovering users is one of the new objectives and challenges of business in 2.017. Some of the best ways to re-engage and retain customers are Adwords and Inbound Marketing strategies and platforms , but you have to be an expert in this way to achieve it, always let yourself be advised by digital marketing experts .         

–           If it fits with the business line, it is a good idea to cross-sell or cross-sell , that is, to include a section of related products that the user is consulting or even buying, or in the style of “other users also bought”.

–           If you sell fashion, decoration, food, accommodation, visual products, those that enter through the eyes, make the images of your products can be enlarged , put the product in different perspectives, etc. That they can see it as if they had it in front of them.

–           If you have the same product in different colors or sizes, make the user choose it from the same product description sheet, do not make it dizzy, and when he clicks on one color or another, change the image and see the right product in that color, it reminds you of the importance of the user experience.

–           For the same reason, if a product is not in stock either you put it clearly and with the option to notify them when it is available, or remove it from your online product catalog , especially if you are no longer going to have it for sale.

–           Make it easier for users to comment on your products , yes, do not let any comment be published automatically, first because it may be filled with spam and surely because we tend to complain more than praise. A good idea is to encourage, through contests on social networks, that they leave opinions on your website about your products.

–           Once you have a website with an online store or e-commerce , your potential clients will have to find you, so continuously working on SEO positioning and carrying out punctually or continuously campaigns with Google Adwords is the only way for them to find you, In a digital world where you have thousands of web pages that sell the same thing as you.

–           Any website that has a user registry, and logically an online store has it, it must have the SSL certificate .

–           It offers the user all the forms of online payment that are possible for you.

–           Have an omni-channel sales strategy , the more media you can be in, the better, so don’t neglect your social networks, and if you combine having a physical store and an online store , perfect too.

–           Do not stop seeing what your direct competition is doing and analyzing what results it is having, both in pricing strategy and in social management, in short, of all types of digital marketing .

–           The logistics and shipments are also very important when you shop at your online store or return to it, you have to negotiate well with your suppliers cats and return shipping so that the user does not constitute too money, and it must be quick, we all love to receive what we have bought online as soon as possible, right? Of course the shipping costs must be perfectly clear and well calculated in the online store, but in addition to not buying from you again, they may turn you green on social networks and / or forums , and a bad online reputationIt is criminal for a business, we increasingly consult the opinions of other users before opting for a product or service. The more you can buy or even give away, the shipping costs, and of course, that the return is free, the better. 

 For all this and more, we are in Rana Negra, do not hesitate to contact us, together we will boost your business.  E-COMMERCE TRENDS 2.017

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