EMUI update: news and changes in the Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei is starting to roll out a new update for its latest flagship, the Huawei P30 Pro . We have already installed it and have started testing the EMUI update , which includes changes to the camera, fingerprint and the latest security patches.
What does the EMUI update of the Huawei P30 Pro bring?: EMUI update: news and changes in the Huawei P30 Pro
With a weight of 4.10 GB , the EMUI update is beginning to reach the Huawei P30 Pro terminals. In the details of this update we can see which are the three changes that apply.
Camera: The performance of the camera is optimized in certain situations (it does not specify in which ones or we have not noticed significant changes in this regard).
Huawei Digital: The on-screen sensor fingerprint reader is optimized for a faster unlock speed (we recommend you delete the fingerprint and re-register it to notice the improvement).
Security: Android security patches released in July 2019 are integrated to improve system security.
How to get this update on your Huawei P30 Pro?
If you have not received it yet, in a few days you will have the notice through a notification. Despite the fact that the deployment of these updates is usually quite homogeneous, in some cases there are a few days difference (or even a few weeks) between some terminals and others.
Another option is to go into Settings – System – Software update and search if there is any new update for your device. Due to the size of the update, we recommend doing it with WiFi so as not to waste your megabytes now that you will surely use them more for the summer holidays.
Huawei continues to work on demonstrating to its users that their terminals are not going to become obsolete and that they will continue to have the latest security updates, as well as other improvements that allow the device’s performance to always be the best.