English grammar to prepare the TOEIC – PetsPedia

English grammar to prepare the TOEIC


English grammar to prepare the TOEIC

The TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication ) is a test to certify the level of English recognized worldwide by the professional community.
With it, you can demonstrate your language skills when applying for a job. Many companies require the TOEIC to enter to work in them. Air France, for example, requests it to be a pilot or flight attendant.
Knowing the language of Shakespeare allows you to become a pilot.
It is mostly requested in environments that require strong foreign language skills, especially English.
But how do you prepare for the TOEIC ? The first thing you have to know about the TOEIC is that it is impossible not to pass: it is calculated on a total of 900 points, and the final grade will be  a score based on your level,  but a minimum level is not required to obtain the certificate.
The companies decide the minimum required to enter to work in their companies. It is up to you to reach the level to have a better chance of being hired by the company of your dreams.
But how can you get a good grade? Well, it is important to work on all aspects of the language: grammar rules, conjugation, irregular verbs … But the TOEIC deals mainly with oral and written comprehension; They are not grammar exercises, but texts to be read and dialogues to be listened to and understood in order to be able to answer the questions on time.
We recommend that you take mock exams that you can find in some manuals dedicated to TOEIC. This will give you an idea of ​​the level of the questions and the grammar points that you still do not know enough to answer the questions.
There is no minimum mark to obtain the TOEIC. English grammar to prepare the TOEIC

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