Exams that validate a good level of English – PetsPedia

Exams that validate a good level of English


Exams that validate a good level of English

You have to see how we make you work with so much study and so many exams! But you already know: you have to earn your rewards with the sweat of your brow, although we should not exaggerate either.
Don’t let the word “test” scare you. There are no passes or failures, but the candidates are classified, according to their competencies, on a scale (which varies according to the exam). Therefore, the level of each one is accurately measured, and that is what those who read your CV will see.
Anyway, let’s start by talking about the three most famous English titles , whose names you will surely know: TOEFL, TOEIC and GMAT .


William Shakespeare: A Model For Every Anglophile!: Exams that validate a good level of English

We are going to be methodical (which is the first guarantee of success in these exams) and we are going to start with the Test of English as a Foreign Language, better known by its acronym: TOEFL.
As its name suggests, the TOEFL is aimed at a non-native audience , making it especially popular with institutions of higher education and students or young professionals.
It was created in 1964, thanks to the initiative of the American University of Princeton, through its Educational Testing Service (ETS). As it is a private company, the TOEFL (valid for two years) is paid, like its two competitors that we are going to talk about now.
The TOEFL consists of multiple-choice questions and can be done in two ways (the CBT version, that is, by computer and without the Internet, has been removed):
On paper (PBT), out of 677 points;
By Internet (iBT), over 120 points.
Of course, both oral comprehension (from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes) and written comprehension (approximately 1 hour) are evaluated, as well as written expression (20 minutes) and oral expression (20 minutes, using a microphone).
The TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication ), also known as ETS, created in 1979, is the continuation of TOEFL. The main difference is that it focuses more on the world of international communication , and therefore on globalized work. The TOEIC is used in more than 150 countries around the world, and by thousands and thousands of companies.
Initially, it was only a question of testing oral and written comprehension ( listening and reading ) in two hours. The results are based on a 990 point scale, with different colors to categorize the level of the participants.
Logically, the ETS later added a specific version for expression (again oral and written, in 1h20), entitled Speaking & writing .
Finally, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) takes another step forward in the professional world in general, and in that of management, business and company management in particular. A pioneer in this field, since it was created in 1953 by the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) of the USA, it is like the king of these certificates.
It is very complete and seems essential to access an MBA anywhere. Some multinationals, but especially renowned universities and colleges (more than 3,000), demand very high marks in their selection or admission processes.
The GMAT lasts four hours, testing all language skills with a maximum score of 800 points. Mathematics, or at least logic, has its importance.
The certificate shows the results obtained during the previous five years, so it can be seen at a glance whether the candidate has improved or worsened over the years.

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