Former Blizzard boss on workplace bullying: “I’m ashamed”


Former Blizzard boss on workplace bullying: “I’m ashamed”

Mike Morhaime has been one of the studio’s key figures for nearly 30 years.

Mike Morhaime was at the helm of Blizzard until the end of 2018.Mike Morhaime was at the helm of Blizzard until the end of 2018.

Activision Blizzard has been at the center of controversy in recent days after being accused by the state of California of promoting a hostile culture against women , with testimonies and details that have not left anyone indifferent. Among them, the former one of Blizzard’s top managers for nearly 30 years, veteran Mike Morhaime , who has acknowledged feeling “embarrassed” by this situation and the events described.

It’s no consolation that other companies have faced similar challengesMike morhaime“I have read the entire complaint against Activision Blizzard and many of the other stories. It is all very disturbing and difficult to read, ” wrote Mike Morhaime, who left the studio he helped found in 2018 . “I’m ashamed. I feel like everything I thought I was defending myself has vanished. Worse, but more importantly, it has affected real people, and some women have had terrible experiences.”

Mike Morhaime recalls that during his 28 years at Blizzard “I worked very hard to create a work environment that was safe and welcoming for people of all genders and backgrounds,” he continues in his letter. ” I knew it was not perfect , but it is clear that we have fallen far short of that goal. The fact that so many women were abused and not supported means that we let them down.” In addition, he continues, they did not make the workers feel safe enough to report these situations.

Former Blizzard boss on workplace bullying: "I'm ashamed"

I listen to you, I believe you and I am very sorry to have let you downMike morhaime“It is not a consolation that other companies have faced similar challenges. We wanted to be different, better .” Which has led the former director of Blizzard, now responsible for a new video game studio along with other veterans , to emphasize that “harassment and discrimination exist. They are frequent in the video game industry. And it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that all employees feel safe, supported and treated equally regardless of gender and background. Those responsible for the study must end toxicity and harassment in all its forms and at all levels. So to the women of Blizzard who have experienced any of these things, I’m so sorry I failed you . “

Although Mike Morhaime understands that this “is just words”, he has launched a message of support to women in the video game industry. “I listen to you, I believe you and I am very sorry to have let you down. I want to hear your stories if you are willing to share them […] I can and I will use my influence to help promote positive change and combat misogyny, discrimination and harassment “. These words are in addition to the recent declaration of zero tolerance towards workplace bullying by Bungie , which also strongly affirmed that they would face this type of behavior.

More on: Blizzard , Mike Morhaime and Harassment .

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