French today : The present of French country – PetsPedia

French today : The present of French country


French today : The present of French country

France was one of the cultural meccas for artists and intellectuals during the 20th century and it still is today. If to this we add the fact that this nation is one of the global economic powers, it is not surprising the influence of the French language throughout the planet.
Today, French is the official language of 32 countries and approximately 80 million people have it as their mother tongue. It is estimated to be spoken by more than 280 million people around the world. It is the only language, along with English, that is spoken on all five continents .
Countries where French is spoken have 12 time zones!

Do you want to know which are the countries where French is spoken ?: French today : The present of French country

Burkina Faso.
Ivory Coast.
Equatorial Guinea.
Central African Republic.
Republic of Congo.
Democratic Republic of Congo.
According to statistics, 3.2% of the world’s population is French-speaking and, of this percentage, the continents that have the highest number of announcers are Africa, which is home to 46.3%, and Europe, which has 44%. .
Contrary to popular belief, French is still an influential language in areas such as international business and export today , despite the growing presence of English on continents such as Africa and Asia. In fact, the number of French-speaking people has tripled in the last 60 years.
In business, French is the third most widely used language, while on the Internet it is the fourth. Furthermore, 15% of the world economy and 12% of international trade are represented by the Francophone space. It is the official language of the international institutions , since French is the language of the three host cities of the European institutions: Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg.
Furthermore, French is both a working language and an official language in the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO, the International Red Cross and in various international legal bodies.
For all this, studying French will help you enhance and improve your job opportunities , since there are thousands of companies that require this language as a requirement to incorporate their employees. For Spanish speakers it is an affordable and familiar language thanks to the common Latin origin . And, for Spaniards in particular, a very useful and easy to practice language.
On the other hand, French is the international language of sectors such as cuisine or fashion , so if you like these sectors, learning French will be essential. And if you like to travel, knowing French will be useful to travel to the neighboring country and to others such as Switzerland, Canada, Monaco or The Seychelles.
French is a key language for learning other languages. Did you know that 50% of today’s English vocabulary comes from French?
What are you waiting for to start learning French or perfect it? It is the only language, along with English, that can be learned in every country in the world , so you have no excuse! In addition, some of the largest universities of international prestige are found in France, where there are also leading trade and engineering schools.

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