Go to Japan to learn the language: everything you need to know – PetsPedia

Go to Japan to learn the language: everything you need to know


Go to Japan to learn the language: everything you need to know

The last possibility to be bilingual in Spanish and Japanese: go directly to the country of the rising sun . Indeed, if you immerse yourself in the culture of the country and get as close to the natives as possible, it will be easier for you to improve your understanding of the language. Remember that the objective of going to a country is to fully immerse yourself in a language and its culture.
Have you heard of the concept of “bulk donation”? Basically, it means achieving the automatisms of the language to be able to think in Japanese more than in Spanish. To do this, you will have to change your habits and put everything Spanish aside, with the aim of separating it as much as possible from you (let’s see, you can continue to have contact with your family, friends, etc.).
Thus, to begin with, we advise you to go to a language school that is close to your home in Japan. Depending on where you live, you will find several options that will help you. For example, there are the  JCLI Language School  in Tokyo or the  Nihongo Center  in Kyoto.
Most of the establishments will offer you a Japanese course for all levels, accommodation at a good price and the possibility of visiting the city and the country with ease. It is, without a doubt, a great method to meet new people and to practice your Japanese in an immersion stay.

Where in Japan would you like to live if you could?: Go to Japan to learn the language: everything you need to know

Of course, before leaving, inform yourself of everything you can so as not to encounter surprises when you arrive. Now that you have all the keys to learning Japanese, you just have to put your will and get to it. Do not be afraid, the language is not difficult. With a good teacher, you will quickly become experts.

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