Google knows it, we know it and your users are the ones who have it the clearest, or your website loads fast, or they go to another website.: GOOGLE HAS DATA ON HOW USERS PERCEIVE THE LOADING SPEED OF A WEBSITE

We have been insisting on this issue for a long time, the importance of loading the web and that is that users leave web pages that they consider take too long to load. We recently had access to a study published by Think With Google in which the importance of the loading speed of a website is once again highlighted, and goes further, obtaining data on the importance of user perception in loading speed, and it is that not everyone or at all times, we perceive the loading speed of a website in the same way.

Thanks to this data, we can improve not only the loading speed of a website , but also its usability , improving the user experience when browsing a website UX-User Experience ).

These data are based on a survey of 127 people where the perception and reality of the speed of loading web pages in different day-to-day situations was studied .

Regarding the importance that users give to the loading speed compared to other factors related to a pleasant experience browsing a web page , for 3 out of 4 this factor was the most important of all, above, for example, the design of the website or the size or shape of the screen on which they were viewing the web.

It is within all logic that the user values ​​above anything else, the fact that the page or web application loads quickly, because if he does not, he cannot see the content and alas, there is nothing else to do, he goes to another page and period, you can no longer assess if the design of the web is pleasant, if the web is easy to use, if it gives you the information you were looking for, etc.

In this study, a curious result was obtained, many times users said that the page loaded quite quickly when it was not, but this has a very simple explanation, and that is that the time that passes until you can navigate a page is not the same. web at the time that passes until all the elements of a web are loaded, therefore, for users, having the content they are viewing, loaded quickly, is enough, and there are many websites in the that the elements that are in the upper half of the page are loaded with priority, so that users can already navigate it even if other parts of the web have not loaded.

Very good web pages have infinite scrolling , or what is also known as infinite scroll , and users rate this type of web page as fast, because they can use it quickly, although the actual loading time of the web is much slower. than other web pages.

On the other hand, from this study published by Google in Think With Google , it also appears that age matters when it comes to perceiving the loading speed of a website , the youngest are more demanding in this regard, so as always they expect web pages to load very fast, as they judge them as slower than older people.

The mood also affects perception, if you are nervous or in a hurry, the perception of speed of loading of the web decreases . When users are sitting or lying down and not in a rush or nerves, they judge web pages as faster.

That users perceive that pages load fast is essential, 92% of respondents declared having achieved the goal they were looking for by browsing websites that they considered fast, and 73% said they achieved the goal on pages that they subjectively classified as slow. In addition, 95% of the users surveyed said that they would return to visit the web pages that they perceived as fast and in 62% they declared that they would not return to the pages that they had considered slow GOOGLE HAS DATA ON HOW USERS PERCEIVE THE LOADING SPEED OF A WEBSITE

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