Although the day of Google’s birth is not 100% clear, it is considered the month of September that of its anniversary, since it was made public in 1998, and a year before it was already created what would be the most famous search engine in the world . 

What would we do without Google today? It has marked our way of behaving, searching and sharing information. We use it constantly! From Rana Negra we congratulate the entire company for continuing to be the most powerful search engine (and much more) in the world, for these 20 years and for many others!

Let’s see some of the figures that surround this search giant:

– They have more than 2,000 doodles.

– In 2017 it entered 74,541 million dollars. 

– It is valued at 201,694 million euros.

– Every time a Google search is performed, 1000 computers are required to provide an answer in just 0.2 seconds. And 58,211 searches are made on Google every second! 

– 61% of clicks in search results are made in the first three results. 

– Google Translate has 103 languages ​​and more than 140 billion words are translated every day.

– In 2017 there were already more than 2 billion users of the Android operating system in operation. 

– In 2016, 82,000 applications were downloaded from Google Play. 

– Around 1.2 billion photos and videos are uploaded to Google Photos every day. Google Photos has an average of 500 million active users per month. 

– 1 billion hours of videos are viewed on YouTube every day!

– Google Drive has more than 800 million users. 

– There are 100 million mobile devices with Google Assistant, which for the figures we are dealing with, almost seem few, but it is one of the most recent services. GOOGLE’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY: ​​GOOGLE IN FIGURES

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