Guide to go to the Arab countries to study the language of Muhammad


Guide to go to the Arab countries to study the language of Muhammad

BlogLanguagesArabHow to Learn Arabic Through Immersion?: Guide to go to the Arab countries to study the language of Muhammad

Why go to study Arabic by immersion?
The procedures to go to study in the Arab countries
Top 10 tips for going to study in Arab countries
How to choose your university in the Arab countries?
Muhammad said that “patience is the key to well-being.”
Going through a linguistic immersion to one of the 22 countries of the Arab League is the best solution to learn Arabic: learning the alphabet, Arabic vocabulary, Arabic writing, phonetics and pronunciation, Arabic grammar, the history of the Muslim world and Arab culture, Muslim religion, etc.
In Dubai alone, an iconic destination for learning to speak Arabic, there are more than 70 universities and training centers, and Saudi Arabia is at the top of the ranking of the best universities in the Arab world.
Education in Arabic-speaking countries is a major concern: in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, public investment in education accounts for 5.3% of countries’ GDP.
For comparison, public spending on education in the United States represented 4.9% of GDP in 2014, compared to 5.4% in Spain in 2015.

How to go immersion to learn literary Arabic and dialect Arabic?: Guide to go to the Arab countries to study the language of Muhammad

Why go to study Arabic by immersion?
Learning a language through linguistic and cultural immersion pushes the foreign learner out of his comfort zone: suddenly, he finds himself immersed in an environment that is completely unknown to him, with completely different social codes and language.
This is a total immersion in the Middle East.
Going abroad to study means forgetting all or part of the known world : habits, groups of friends, landmarks, language, cultural identity, etc.
It is like a second socialization, as if you are learning another social world as an adult.
Going to learn the Arabic language in immersion allows you to speak Arabic every day (with a host family, at work or in a language school, during a language exchange program) as if it were an intensive Arabic course that it only ends when we sleep.
Through immersion, the student will not only refine their learning of Arabic, but will also explore Arabic culture in all its aspects : the history of Islamic civilization, the customs of the ‘Arab world’, traditions and family life, the rules courtesy related to Muslim religion, Arabic literature, etc.
Arabic is a guttural Semitic language with consonant trilitary roots, that is, Arabic words are formed from a root of three consonants.
Therefore, reading in Arabic (from right to left), writing and speaking Arabic is difficult, but when studying the language in the Persian Gulf, in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula or in the countries of the Maghreb, learning Arabic will be fun, interesting, useful and fast.
There are many reasons to study in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt or Morocco:

Become an Arabic speaker to speak Arabic fluently.

Experience an enriching and unforgettable experience.
Learn foreign languages ​​faster.
Increase your language skills.
Develop your general culture.
Open yourself to the outside world.
Meet people.
Get a comparative weight advantage for your professional insertion, etc.
Have you always dreamed of exploring the Persian Gulf and / or a Maghreb society? Wish granted!

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