Have smartphones reached a point of stagnation?

For several years now, we have all carried a smartphone in our pocket . They keep us connected to the world and to society. We have reached a point where we cannot be without them for a second. We do not leave home without a mobile phone or to go buy bread. They are an extension of our own body. Since their arrival they have progressed little by little. The first smartphone was a revolution . It was a smartphone that had many more features than a normal cell phone. It no longer only allowed us to take pictures or record videos. Now he knew what we wanted and he was offering it to us. It allowed us to connect to the Internetfrom the mobile, listen to music or chat without more cost than the connection. Today we have passed all that and do things that we never thought we could do with a mobile phone. Like watching a movie on the Metro, booking a trip to the other side of the world or simply ordering at our favorite restaurant without having to call. It seems that smartphones are advancing more every day , but at the same time it gives us the feeling that they are all the same lately. That is why today at Gizlogic we ask ourselves; Have smartphones reached a point of stagnation?

Does our smartphone do something really different?
All smartphones are the same: Have smartphones reached a point of stagnation?
At first glance, all smartphones are the same . They all bring a camera, a good internet connection, and a similar operating system. If we want a different and cutting-edge smartphone, we would have to buy a new one every day. Every time a new smartphone is designed , some detail is added that makes it different from the previous model or from the competition. But is that model really relevant? Most of the time that detail that is incorporated into the mobile phone is usually an update of the operating system. It’s silly to buy a new phone just to get the upgrade. Today’s smartphones are designed so that their operating system updates automatically.

All smartphones have similar features
At other times, the novelty is to add a double camera to the device or increase the pixels. Again this does not make the smartphone really different from the rest . By this we mean that smartphones are stagnating . When something new arrives on the mobile phone market, it reaches everyone equally. All manufacturers incorporate it into their model and in the end they all have the same benefits . We see it clearly with the arrival of the 5G network in Spain . Now that the 5G network has arrived in our country, all manufacturers are going to increase their models with 5G, especially in our country. Again no smartphone has exclusivity compared to another. They only limit themselves to imitating characteristics. It is true that there are millions of models, but are there any really special ones? The truth is, no. There is not one that stands out from the rest. A function that is different from the existing ones does not arrive either. That it does something really useful for the life of the human being.
Smartphone demand stagnates and, therefore, sales
You don’t have to read the news every day to see that smartphone demands have stalled . Just look around us. Just a few years ago, we periodically changed smartphones. Maybe we couldn’t hold out with the same cell phone for even a year. It is true that sometimes it was because the smartphone broke. Many times I was prepared for it, surely you have heard of planned obsolescence . But other times we changed our mobile because we got bored with it or it was old. Every so often a new one would come out that surpassed it, in functions or benefits.

Does our smartphone differ a lot from its previous or later model?
Today, the situation is very different. Let’s think for a moment, is your smartphone model very different from the later model? The answer to this question is always negative. Without going any further, even the prestigious iPhone smartphone brand is outdated. This is easy to check, let’s check out the iPhone Xs and Xr. With just a glance we realize that there is not much difference between them. Once again, the advances are minimal and not very significant. This is just one more fact that the smartphone industry is stagnating. This stagnation can easily be due to the fact that the consumer does not demand new smartphones, they already have everything they want. In addition, almost everyone today has a mobile that works and serves in perfect condition, why do you want another? This has a clear consequence. Sales are stagnant, therefore also production and innovations.
Smartphones have reached a point of stagnation
After reflecting a bit on the existing smartphone models on the market, we realize that we have reached a point of stagnation . We are in a situation where smartphones do not differ much from each other. If before the Samsung or iPhone brand smartphones stood out above the rest, now it is not so much. All smartphones imitate each other . They all have the same functions, different functions depending on the brand, but they all produce the same result. Perhaps it is because all the devices have been created for the same purpose, to facilitate communication. But what is clear is that if we continue with this dynamic we will soon completely stagnate.

The demand for smartphones is not growing
The benefits are always the same ; a good camera, a long-lasting battery, a good memory… Technology advances fast and yet we don’t know how to use it to our advantage. We do not know how the future of smartphones will continue . The only thing we know is that currently they are all very similar to each other and none of them brings us a true revolution. Perhaps the key to get out of this stagnation is to renew . Study consumers and see what they need. Turning those needs into features on a mobile phone will make them much more complete and innovative.