Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education


Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education

description: Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education

The  Early Childhood Education  includes six courses, from 0 to 6 years and is voluntary. The purpose of this educational stage is to promote the physical and personal development of boys and girls and compensate for inequalities that exist for various reasons. With Early Childhood Education it is intended that the school helps parents in the education of their children. Thus, they facilitate those activities that increase their abilities and their relationship with others.

To become a  Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education,  you must receive a quality preparation that contains theoretical aspects in which you can learn  from the management of a classroom to the preparation of a curricular adaptation . In addition, certain practical sections are also essential in which to learn and begin to perform the functions of a child educator in the hands of professionals. The structure of our course is focused on passing the free tests that are held annually in the different autonomous communities to obtain the official title of Professional Training.

course objectives: Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education

The main objective of the course is to provide you with all the knowledge and techniques so that you can perform nursing assistant care tasks, in addition to the administrative part, with tasks such as planning, organizing and evaluating the work units. You will learn to:

  • Play games and dynamics with children to develop their relationship skills.
  • Attention to parents of students.
  • Supervision and control of the care of children.
  • Preparation of a training plan adapted to the ages and conditions of the children and supervised by the teacher.

training practices

At the end of the course, you will carry out training practices in Forbe partner companies where you can put into practice the knowledge acquired during your training to become a true professional.

professional outings

At the end of your training you will be able to work in:

  • Educator or early childhood educator  in the first cycle of early childhood education.
  • Educator in institutions and / or in  specific work programs with minors (0-6 years) in situations of social risk, or in means of family support, where they emphasize the knowledge learned about socio-affective development.
  • Educator in programs or activities of leisure  and free time for children with children from 0 to 6 years old: toy libraries, cultural houses, libraries, educational centers, etc.


accrediting diploma

At the end of the Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education course,   you will have all the necessary knowledge to be part of any specialized work team. Thus, once all the exams and evaluation exercises have been successfully passed, Forbe will issue an accreditation and a diploma that guarantee the knowledge acquired and your correct training as a  Senior Technician in Early Childhood Education . In addition, passing the free tests called by the competent body, you will obtain your official title.

previous requirements

To take this course you will have to comply with:

  • Be twenty years old (or nineteen years for those who are in possession of the title of Technician).
  • Possess any of the following qualifications:

• Bachelor’s degree (established in Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, or in Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Organization of the Educational System)

• Title of Specialist Technician, Superior Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.

• Have passed the university entrance exam for people over 25 years of age.

• Have passed other studies declared equivalent for academic purposes with any of the above.

Those who have completed higher degree studies, in person or remotely, may also take these tests to pass those professional modules that are pending. During the same academic year, the student may not be enrolled in the same professional module remotely and in person, as well as in the tests to obtain it.

The tests can be convened once each academic year, and their call depends on each autonomous community. In each call, the public educational centers designated for these tests, the enrollment period and the dates of completion are determined. It must be borne in mind that not all degrees are convened each academic year through this modality, and it is each autonomous community who decides which degrees, when and where each call is made.

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