How can you get a rich snippet on Google?


How can you get a rich snippet on Google?

Learn to optimize them and properly relate them to your content so that it is considered useful

How can you get a rich snippet on Google?


The Rich Snippet or enriched fragments are the references of a content that is in web search engines. It is an appetizer that users can see before clicking on the page, which often leads them to the answers they are looking for. Search engines use the Rich Snippet to show the results to users.

Rich snippets came to enrich the results and improve the user experience in search engines, but in reality these search engines are not obliged to always show them and although everyone wants to get to position in them, it also has its disadvantages but first I want to explain better what are the Rich Snippet and how they improve the SEO experience. 

What are the Rich Snippet?

They are data that show the summary of the description of the websites and these are shown only in the search engines. It shows the description along with the URL of the account and can add a small featured image. This allows you to increase the visibility of your article.

These are data that summarize an extract of some content on the web, search engines usually associate it in the first position because they are very well aligned with the user’s searches or because they consider it quite organic and useful content. Normally in this space we find quick answers to the questions we are looking for, and it is common to see a recipe, steps to make a detailed repair or a great reference photo. 

Learn to optimize your content to appear in the first places and to properly relate them to your content to improve the SEO experience of the user with your page and at the same time take the advantages of being considered by Google as useful and well categorized content. 

Rich snippet types

The snippet shows small data from a website but there are two ways to appear in one: with a rich snippet or organically with a fisher snippet. 

  • ✔Rich Snippet: It is a snippet that shows the description of a website but also shows other data such as a small image, the url and the short description of the content. This can be created by editing the HTML code of an article or directly from tools such as wordpress. 
  • ✔Fisher Snippet: Google decides it because of the engagement or because it considers it quite useful for the user (SEO), but this has a disadvantage, it is possible that it is so well explained in that extract taken by Google or that it is so organic that people receive all the information without even opening the link.  

Appearing in both helps to anticipate the user to the content that they will find when entering and help them make the decision of the click. Both are quite positive for a web page because they help to generate traffic to the web in one way or another.  

       Advantages of  rich snippets 

  • ✔There are more possibilities to capture the reader,
  • ✔ Helps you highlight content,
  • ✔ you can show the reader that other users have found the content useful,
  • ✔ Provides the opportunity to position yourself as experts on some topics thanks to the author’s photo option.
  • ✔ It will be much larger than normal search results and is clickable. 
  • ✔The user already associates that content as relevant. 

       Disadvantages of rich snippets:

  • ✘If it is very well explained, the user can read all the content without entering your page and it can lower your CTR.
  • ✘If it is not attractive enough, it can prevent the user from finally clicking.

But without a doubt, its advantages are greater than the disadvantages, because if you know how to perform them correctly, the most important information will be when you click on your page and you can also be considered content that is adding value to the community. 

Rich Snippet types

  1. Rich snippet for opinions: It is achieved thanks to the spaces and opinions that you place on your website or blog where you allow people the opportunity to comment on your content or rate the quality with stars. And this tells search engines that your content is useful. 
  2. Rich snippet people: It is the one that allows you to give a face to the article that is written, place a photo. It gives visibility to your profile and helps the page to position itself as an expert in some topics or sectors of activity.
  3. Rich snippet products: The most common and useful for ecommerce. It allows you to show a photo of the featured product and a brief description with price and even availability, ending with the URL so that it goes directly to the web page. 
  4. Rich snippet recipes: Helps the user to quickly prepare an outstanding recipe, shows the materials point by point and invites the user to click to learn more about the preparation
  5. Rich snippet organization: They show the relevant information of a company, from the date of foundation to who are the current managers. 
  6. Rich snippet events : Provides information about events, parties or meetings. Even some national celebrations. 
  7. Rich snippet music: A section is shown with all the relevant information about an album or artist, in the case of the second it shows all its discography or the most relevant songs.
  8. Rich snippet videos: It is the most common to see when looking for a music or explanatory video, it shows a kind of screenshot of the cover that is usually shown on YouTube. 

How can you get a rich snippet on google?

They are always located in the first places, you can achieve them by optimizing your content and adding the necessary details to appear organically. You can also get them by adding certain codes to the structure of your website pages. But for now let’s talk about the featured rich snippet, this is the content where Google tells everyone “worth reading” and is where all content writers wish they were at some time.

In order for you to appear in this prominent section of Google, it is necessary that: you make quality content, your own and interesting for your users. They are correctly optimized but that they are consistent with what they say, that their title and description are very consistent with the content. Also as additional information that you reveal a step by step that users like so much and usually rank.

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