How many calories can you lose dancing?
How many calories can you lose dancing?

Although it is obvious that dancing makes you lose weight, we can go further and ask how exactly it makes us lose weight. To begin, here is a small summary of the calories that dancing causes you to lose , compared to other exercises:
Studies have shown that dancing burns 4 times more calories than resting, but if you want to lose weight quickly, zumba, salsa, jive or tango are the best options. But how many calories can we lose depending on the type of dance? Now we tell you!
Of course, to lose weight, regular training is recommended , especially when it comes to a discipline that usually requires rigor such as dancing.
For example, a 60 kg person who does a moderate dance 3 times a week can lose 0.34 kg a month , while a 70 kg person who performs an energy dance 3 times a week will lose 0.49 kg a month , almost half a kilo. In a year you will have lost 6 kilos just having fun!
More specifically, if you hesitate between two dances or don’t know which one you can use to lose more weight or tone your thighs, here is an overview of the main dances, according to their energy expenditure during an hour of activity:
- Sauce: between 405 and 480 cal.
- Hip hop: between 370 and 610 cal.
- Zumba: between 350 and 650 cal.
- Country: between 290 and 420 cal.
- Pole dance: between 250 and 350 cal.
- Swing: between 300 and 550 cal.
- Ballet: between 380 and 450 cal.
- Break dance: between 400 and 650 cal.
- Samba: about 240 cal.
- Tango: about 240 cal.
- Jive: about 370 cal.
On average, slower ballroom dancing will lose you 150-220 calories , while faster ballroom dancing will burn 250-320 calories per hour. On the other hand, never forget or neglect the warm-up and the final stretch , and you’ll be ready to learn how to lose weight while dancing.
You only have to know how your body reacts to dance sessions.
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