We can no longer conceive of a world without the Internet, without Google, without social networks, without YouTube.: HOW MANY WEBSITES ARE THERE ON THE INTERNET?

In just 10 years, we have gone from having 92 million websites on the Internet to more than 1 billion. The Internet is no longer just a place to find information or where to find leisure and entertainment, nor is it just a work tool, the Internet is money and it is social change.

And its growth is brutal, annually the retail sales made on the Internet are increased by billions, plus the sales in physical stores that have been forged by seeing the products or services on the Internet and convincing people to go and buy them!

With more than 1,000 million web pages and all kinds of web applications , how are your potential clients going to find, your target, your business? Whether it’s a totally online business, or totally offline, your potential clients must find you and they have a lot to look for! And they will not search exhaustively until they find you, they will stay on the first or second page of the results that Google throws at them.

And how many potential online customers are we talking about? Worldwide, there are around 3.3 billion people who regularly use the Internet, 40% of the world’s population. Ok, not all of them are your potential clients, it all depends on what audience you are targeting, what and how you offer it, etc., but it is a figure to take into account when choosing the wise decision of having a website professional and well positioned.

Only in Spain, 83% use the Internet regularly, that is, of the 46 million Spaniards, 38 million use the Internet regularly to find information, to communicate with friends, to play games, to find work, to seek training, to decide on one product or service or another, etc.

We leave you an infographic of the study that OnBlastBlog has carried out on the use of the Internet in the world:


If you still resist believing in the importance and power of having an adequate presence on the Internet , we give you more information:

– On Facebook, there are more than 1.55 million active users.

– Almost 3,000,000,000 searches are carried out on Google per day !! And it is the most important website in the world, followed by Facebook and YouTube

– In 2015, 64% of the sales of stores around the world were influenced by their presence on the Internet.

– In 2015, more than 1 billion dollars were sold in online sales made with mobile phones.

– There are 123.78 million registered .com domain names.

– 40% of Internet users have bought online at some time, and this is 1,000,000,000 people.

-There are already more users who consult what to buy through mobile than from desktop PC. 52.7% in particular, connect to the Internet from their mobile.

And how do we make our website stand out among so many people, so many devices and so much online competition ?

As always, it will depend on each type of business and each type of target, although there is an answer that does not fail: With the creation of original content and based on keywords in a blog . In this way, Google understands that we have a website (whatever the type: an online store , a corporate website , a web application with social functions , a forum , an online reservation system in restaurants, hostels, hotels …)that is alive, knows what we do if we create adequate content, and for users, we provide relevant and adequate information in which they perceive us as experts in the sector to which we dedicate ourselves.

In addition, a blog is an affordable tool, yes, it is more than advisable to write correctly, with a certain frequency, with a density of suitable keywords, creating internal links, etc., and all this in a natural way. It is not that easy, therefore, it is best to turn to Social Media and Digital Marketing Professionals for the creation of content based on a personalized digital marketing plan for each type of business.

There is more, for example, web pages with blog have 97% more inbound links, and web pages that have blog, have an average of 434% more indexed pages, since, logically, when creating content, By creating new pages, these are indexed in Google, as long as things are done properly, because doing it wrong can seriously penalize us.

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