How to become a professional photographer


How to become a professional photographer

Being a professional photographer doesn’t just mean taking photos. To become a professional photographer, you need more skills:

  • Post-treatment,
  • Accounting,
  • Appointments and exchanges with clients,
  • Blogging and social networks,
  • Make contacts,
  • Marketing and publicity,
  • Order prints …

Therefore, you have to be  technical  but also  creative ,  know how to communicate  but also know how to  work alone  and keep up with the latest news.

To learn all this, it is best to take a photographic training:

  • Higher Degree in Illumination, Capture and Image Processing
  • Imaging Laboratory
  • Digital Prepress Technician
  • Graphic design
  • Professional photography courses at prestigious photography schools such as EFTI, IED, MadPhoto and CEV (Madrid), or GrisArt Escola Superior de Fotografía and IEFC (Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya) in Barcelona.

You can also  take photography classes  with professional photographers directly or take an intensive photography course to learn photography quickly.

Description of the profession of photographer
Take photo reports of your daily life to practice!

The professional photographer does not usually charge a lot in the beginning. If you are lucky enough to find work in a company, you will have job stability but surely you will start by collecting the  SMI . On the other hand, you can also start on your own and earn  € 700 to € 1200  per photo session.

What are you waiting for to sign up for a photography course ? How to become a professional photographer

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