How to choose a university in Italy? – PetsPedia

How to choose a university in Italy?


How to choose a university in Italy?

Italy is a country rich in culture where you can go to improve, beyond the typical language learning.
Beyond Italian online, learning Dante’s language is often much more exciting when you study it there . For this, you will need to know which university to go to, to soak up the Italian vocabulary and enjoy the Italian courses. There are different techniques to know which university to choose.
The first, and probably the simplest, is the Erasmus program . Leave a Spanish university for three or six months to continue studies at an Italian university that has an agreement with the Spanish one. Therefore, when choosing the university, it will be easier because it will depend on the university program.
It is true that this solution implies that you do not really have to choose your host university, but thanks to the Erasmus grant and other small supplements, you will be able to continue your training with a program similar to that of your university but in Italy: simple and effective!
Small note: in Italy, the exams are more focused on the oral than on the written. Regardless of the university you choose, if you are shy, it will work against you! Also note that the list of partner institutions of your university in Italy is available in the international relations department of your university, check it!
Another solution, when it comes to choosing a university to learn Italian quickly, is to go alone . For this, Italy offers a range of possibilities. You just have to choose the university where you want to study and apply .
This same application can be submitted just after finishing the baccalaureate ( diploma di istruzione secondaria di secondo degree ) and must be accompanied by a motivation letter and the officially translated Spanish title .
On the other hand, the European ECTS credit system facilitates mobility between Spain and Italy. You will be asked for the same documents as if you started your career in Italy, providing letters of recommendation from your former teachers and / or employers.
Note that for some courses, a numerus clausus is often applied , so as not to let everyone in. You may also want to choose a university in Italy based on its reputation . In this case, feel free to check world rankings, such as Shanghai or Times Higher Education .
Anglo-Saxon universities are often in the lead, which does not mean that the Italian system is bad. There are also many nice cities , which can also become a criterion in choosing your university in Italy. What better than studying in a beautiful environment?
Between Rome, the capital, rich in culture, Milan, world-renowned universities, or Bologna or beautiful Florence, the options are numerous ! Foreign languages ​​allow us to discover new horizons, new perspectives, linked to a grammatical vision of life. A language school to the outdoors !
Like all languages ​​originating from Latin, Italian fits perfectly into an attractive European setting , where learning a foreign language is possible. When speaking English becomes universal, speaking Italian without Babbel, Assimil or Toefl can be a perfect idea. We still have to discover the country, its culture and its identity! Avanti! How to choose a university in Italy?

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