How to find students interested in your Arabic classes?


How to find students interested in your Arabic classes?

You are a speaker of Egyptian Arabic or a native of an Arab country, you are looking for students after the summer or throughout the school year.
You will have to be available throughout the day, on weekends and during the holidays to be able to teach Arabic
How to get customers for Arabic classes ? First of all, word of mouth.
Get them to talk about you and your activity in your circle of contacts. It is important because it will be how you can give your first private class.
Become the soul of your classes: considering the theory of “the strength of weak links” of the sociologist M. Granovetter, the information (I am an Arabic teacher and I am looking for students) that you give to your contacts will be disseminated among people you do not know .
Distribute free advertisements: around town, in stores, in civic centers, associations, on the Internet.

Write an attractive profile that attests to your solid knowledge of the Arabic language: How to find students interested in your Arabic classes?

alphabet and letters, vowels and consonants, grammar (personal and possessive pronouns), phonetics, pedagogy, didactics, vocabulary and Arabic words, but also your level of experience, your ability to listen and adapt, your relational skills etc.
It goes through school establishments (colleges and institutes) and universities, language schools, institutions dedicated to the promotion of the Arabic language or online advertising platforms (Facebook, Thousand Ads), websites such as Superprof, and finally the agencies dedicated to support school.
In this way, you will have a large quarry where you can “hunt” your future students.

By enrolling in Superprof to teach Arabic classes you will:

Initiate                                  your students in the Arabic language
·                                  Teach the Arabic alphabet
·                                  Teach them to read and write Arabic
·                                  Teach vocabulary
·                                  Convey idiomatic expressions
·                                  Work on phonetics and Arabic pronunciation
·                                  Improve their knowledge of Arabic words
·                                  Perfect your level of Arabic grammar (pronouns, verbs, agreement)
·                                  Increase their level in terms of oral expression
To avoid getting flustered and giving an inconsistent rate during your first call from a potential interested party, here are some steps to know how to set the rate for private lessons

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