How to increase sales with Inbound Marketing: 3 practical cases


How to increase sales with Inbound Marketing: 3 practical cases

We explain with figures how Inbound Marketing works in Latin America and how it can help increase the sales of your company

How to increase sales with Inbound Marketing: 3 practical cases


Customers are on the internet, that is an irrefutable truth. But consumer behavior is not the same as it was ten years ago. Popular marketing trends no longer produce good results. And consequently, many, many companies have stopped seeing positive changes in their income and are desperately looking for ways to increase sales.

Inbound Marketing is a little-known term, but highly respected by important CEOs around the world, as it is the only method that guarantees a significant increase in sales opportunities, with an investment that is 61% less than usual.

The evolution and complexity of the digital market is summarized in the following statistics shared by Hubspot:

  • ✔ Mass advertising or rotating banners on the internet only reach a CTR of 0.07%
  • ✔ 74% of consumers skip TV ads
  • ✔ 91% of users unsubscribe from company newsletters
  • ✔ 44% of emails fall directly into the SPAM folder
  • ✔ 98% of potential customers would never buy from a cold call

So how do you expect to have more customers if your brand concentrates resources and efforts in the wrong mediums?

How does Inbound Marketing help increase sales?

Changing your marketing strategy is not easy, we know that. Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to give up the methods that have worked for many years. However, we now deal with different consumers:

  • ✔ Spending 8 hours a day on social networks
  • ✔ They make purchasing decisions according to what they research online
  • ✔ And they look for quality content that helps them make a good purchase decision

The Inbound method consists of identifying what type of information the target customer is looking for, to create content that helps them in their purchase decision process. 

Some international companies have been betting on Inbound Marketing and these are the results they obtained:

How To Increase Sales With Inbound Marketing: Less Budget

  • ✔ The cost per lead using an Inbound strategy is 61% lower than with other marketing methods ( Hubspot Report )
  • ✔ Content production attracts three times more sales opportunities (Kapost)
  • ✔ Overhead is also reduced by up to 13% compared to traditional marketing (Hubspot)

How to Increase Sales with Inbound Marketing: Constantly Measure  ROI

  • ✔ E-mail dissemination, following Inbound parameters, generates a return on investment of 4300%
  • ✔ 82% of companies that have a blog, quantify positive results in ROI (Hubspot)
  • ✔ Marketing expenses of companies that use the Inbound method were reduced by 61% (Hubspot)

How to Increase Sales with Inbound Marketing:  Web Positioning

  • ✔ Companies that have a blog, registered an increase of 97% in the number of links to their website (Hubspot)
  • ✔ Publish constantly, under Inbound parameters, guarantees 434% more pages indexed in search engines (Content +) 
  • ✔ Having a blog increases by 53% the chances of occupying the first three places in Google (Marketing Sherpa)

How to Increase Sales with Inbound Marketing: Demand Generation

  • ✔ Inbound attracts 54% more leads than traditional marketing ( State Inbound 2019 )
  • ✔ The average conversion through the website, goes from 6% to 12% when applying the Inbound methodology (Hubspot)
  • ✔ Content marketing triples sales opportunities for every dollar invested (Kapost)
  • ✔ 67% of B2C companies and 41% of B2B companies got customers through Facebook (Hubspot)
  • ✔ The leads obtained with the Inbound Marketing method provide 47% more value (The Annuitas Group)

How to increase sales with Inbound Marketing? Practical cases

At this time, millions of users research on the internet about the product or service you offer. Why invest time and resources in convincing uninterested people, if you have an ocean of possibilities? 

The Inbound Marketing strategy is a scalable , non – intrusive, which is divided into four main phases: attracting interested prospects in our industry, turning them into leads, close sales and please consumers. 

If you want to know how to increase sales with Inbound Marketing, you are probably stuck in one of these three situations:

You have an attractive website that distinguishes the brand quite well, but your traffic is not what is expected

Having a visually attractive website and paying for Google Adwords does not guarantee that your traffic will outperform the competition, much less that those users are potential customers. The truth is that organic traffic is the best way to generate demand.

If your goal is to increase visits, you need to place yourself in the first organic results of Google. And for that, you need to apply SEO optimization. 

A study is carried out to determine what words consumers use to investigate our products or services, what type of information they look for, how often they are interested in the subject each month and how the competition is positioned.

With this information, the web redesign is defined and a content strategy aimed at satisfying the target audience is implemented. Give your audience what they want to read and your sales opportunities will multiply. 

Your social media strategy has earned you thousands of followers, but you have almost no interactions 

This problem is more common than it seems. It usually happens because brands don’t have a solid social media strategy. Inbound Marketing combines the power of an SEO optimized website with the best practices of Social Media. And the result, in 90% of the cases, is the attraction and conversion of potential customers. In this article we explain the best 12 practices to promote the Inbound strategy .

You have interactions and traffic on your website, but you are not generating leads

It may happen that your brand is an industry leader and has a significant number of visits to the website, but these figures do not translate into leads. In this case, you will probably need to implement conversion paths: information that accompanies the consumer in the purchase decision process, downloadable content, landing pages and subscription forms.

If you identify with any of these cases and want a free evaluation of the status of your company, contact us . Our advisers will be happy to review your case and explain in detail how to increase sales with Inbound Marketing 

6 logical reasons to trust inbound marketing

✔ Inbound Marketing gains ground in Latin America

Hubspot conducted a study in 2018 to determine the penetration of Inbound Marketing in the world . It surveyed 6,200 professionals from 99 countries. 36% of these data correspond to Latin America. The result was illuminating: 43% of marketers consider any activity not inherent to Inbound a waste of time and resources and 75% consider Inbound Marketing an effective strategy.

✔ The alignment of the work team (marketing and sales) quadruples the sales opportunities

How to increase sales with Inbound Marketing? Definitely aligning efforts. The common thing is to delegate to the sales team the responsibility of getting customers while the Marketing department is in charge of achieving brand recognition. 

But with the Inbound method, the company tracks consumers by studying what information they read, what content they download and what their current situation is. This data is used by the sales team. By knowing what the customer’s problem is, they will be able to effectively address a communication.

According to Hubspot, the alignment of the work team (marketing and sales) quadruples the sales opportunities.

✔ More than 400 million people read blogs per month

The Hubspot report reveals that content consumption through blogs increased by 19%. According to the statistics of the Live Monitor of WordPress , we are talking about more than 400 million people who review approximately 21 billion pages per month. How not to take advantage of those figures?

In addition, creating a Blog triggers organic traffic to the website, creates trust in your potential customers, increases sales opportunities and generates demand while you sleep. This is highlighted by 72% of the CEOs who were interviewed by Hubspot.

✔ The budget is 61% less than that required by other methods

Hiring an Inbound Marketing Agency is much less expensive than investing in advertising strategies that produce less and less results. 

✔ With Inbound Marketing you will know what your return on investment (ROI) is

72% of Inbound companies say that the possibility of measuring ROI is the key to an effective strategy. This data makes it possible to quantify the impact of content marketing and apply the necessary improvements. 

✔  And most importantly …

The priority of Inbound Marketing is to generate sales, so every strategy is aimed at a target audience. 

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