How to overcome stress during a job interview?
How to overcome stress during a job interview?
First it is necessary to identify the source of stress and then eliminate it.
What are you afraid of? Failing difficult questions, is it due to inexperience in the first interview, is it the fear of speaking badly during the interview?
You should avoid default answers to any type of question asked. This is what is overwhelming: controlling the development of the interviews, answering the interviewer and precisely the question he asks.
However, you should bear in mind that, if you have been called to do an interview, it is because your profile is of interest to the interviewer. Therefore, the purpose of this interview is to confirm your impressions through the first contact.
To have less stress or completely eliminate anxiety, we recommend that you remember your previous interviews, that you identify what did not work (to learn from the mistakes), that you analyze the difficult questions that you encountered, etc.
This will help you build your confidence. For example, “Why haven’t you worked for so long?” Style questions. They won’t flatten you if you feel like you’re worth the job.
It is important to be able to view professional interviews in a positive light: the call is a pre-employment interview. If you are interviewed, you have the opportunity to demonstrate what you are capable of and the best way to demonstrate and convince an interviewer is to be yourself.
It’s true that an interview can be comparable to a short play, but the more you play a role, the less likely you are to feel comfortable. And in that case, even if the interview goes well, in the end you will find yourself invaded by stress despite good preparation. Take deep breaths to relax.
Interviewers are used to interviewing stressed candidates. Who has done interviews without any stress?
It all depends, of course, on the hiring policy of the company, the position in question and the type of interview that the interviewer expects, but if you take care of your attitude and your presentation and also know how to answer the questions asked perfectly, you will earn points for to be hired (even if you have wavered a bit in your arguments). How to overcome stress during a job interview?