How to Remove Lag on Roblox – PetsPedia

How to Remove Lag on Roblox


How to Remove Lag on Roblox

How frustrating it is to suffer from lag while playing Roblox . The game sticks, it’s slow, you can’t interact with the rest … The fun ends right then and there and you get discouraged or upset a lot . We understand your feeling because we have been through the same thing. However, we were able to figure it out.

remove lag roblox

Today we are going to show you how we eliminate this terrible problem that does not allow you to enjoy the game. The methods that we will show you are easy to follow, but first we want to clarify some concepts. So read on to completely eliminate lag on Roblox .

What is lag?: How to Remove Lag on Roblox

Table of Contents hide ]

  • 1 What is lag?
  • 2 How to identify lag?
  • 3 Why does lag occur?
  • 4 How to eliminate or reduce lag on Roblox?
    • 4.1 Move the router
    • 4.2 Close programs
    • 4.3 Shrink graphics
    • 4.4 PRO method

Lag is an excessive delay in real time between the server and the client. In less technical words, it is when the connection between the game and your PC is very slow or the computer does not have the necessary resources to run the game well.

When we speak of “in real time” we mean an event that happens instantly. For example, all the actions you take when playing.

How to identify lag?: How to Remove Lag on Roblox

Lag is easy to identify. You will notice it when the game is choppy , that is, in those moments in which you see a character at one point, and seconds later you see him in a distant place without having moved.

Other cases where lag is present is when you cannot interact with objects, the music is heard with interruptions, the characters seem deformed, the game is slow, etc.

Why does lag occur?

This is important to keep in mind because that way you can understand what to do. Lag occurs for several reasons , the most common of which are the following:

  1. the server is very far from your country
  2. there are a lot of people playing the game
  3. the server where the game is does not have enough processing
  4. your computer does not have the necessary resources
  5. your internet network is very weak

You can’t do anything about the first three causes. It’s a problem that only Roblox owners can solve, and thankfully, they have. That is why we will help you with the last two .

How to eliminate or reduce lag on Roblox?

Here are four ways to reduce or eliminate lag. Try each one. They are all going to give you results, however, it may not be enough. This would happen in a very serious case .

Move the router

Try to locate the router in a place that is clear and close to your computer. The closer it is, the better, because that way the internet signal is stronger .

A serious problem occurs when people have the router far away and in another room. In that case the signal has to pass through the walls and loses its strength.

Close programs

There are programs installed on the computer that consume the internet in the background , that is, they are semi-open and continue to use the internet. These programs must be closed.

There are also other programs like the music player, Microsoft Word, Paint … that consume valuable computer resources. If you are not using them then close them. In fact, we recommend that you close all programs before opening Roblox .

Finally, we suggest you close the browser tabs (especially the Facebook one. It consumes a lot and can cause lag while you play), just leave the Roblox one open.

Reduce the graphics

When you enter a game, press the escape key (Esc), so the menu will appear. Then go into the configuration options and look for the graphics section.

By default they are in automatic . Change them to manual and set the minimum. As a result, the game will lose quality, but you will notice it more fluid.

PRO method

This last method is only functional on Windows . To do this, follow the following steps to the letter:

  1. press the «Start» + «r» keys
  2. search for “appdata”
  3. open the «Local» folder
  4. open the folder “Roblox”
  5. open the “Versions” folder
  6. if there are two folders, open the second one. In our case it is called “version-e024c611925642a8”, but in yours it may have a different name
  7. open the “PlatformContent” folder
  8. open the folder «pc»
  9. open the “textures” folder
  10. delete all folders that appear (not files)

Trust us and do it without fear . When you enter Roblox you will notice the difference: the game will be more fluid.

Let us know in the comments if these methods worked for you. Also tell us if you know of other more effective ones. Anything that adds value is welcome.

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