How to SELL Facebook or Google Ads (ADS) to your customers
How to SELL Facebook or Google Ads (ADS) to your customers
Never offer ADS based on a result, fatal error
We started strong, NEVER sell ads based on a “result”, that is, do not promise to reach a number of conversions, followers, interaction, reach, etc.
This article is the second part of How to charge your Community Manager services, check it out .
As incredible as it may seem, even AAA agencies fall into this error and I do not put names but believe me, if you learn to sell ADS you have a lot of earned market.
How much to charge for advertising, social media advertising?: How to SELL Facebook or Google Ads (ADS) to your customers
First we must determine what we are going to offer talking about ADS to your client. You interviewed him and he establishes which of the following points he wants to achieve concretely.
- Leads
- Followers
- Interaction
- Reproductions
- Likes
- Interested for events
- Website visits
Everything else you can think of fits into one of these categorie.
The second thing you should establish is how long you need or require it. You have to be realistic, you can’t reach 100,000 followers in one day, but it certainly can be in 3 or 5 months.
The third thing is how much you are contemplating investing, how much is your budget, here is a difficult issue because most entrepreneurs will tell you something like: Well, there you tell me how much you charge me and I’ll check.
If they tell you that they have already taken a step back because it means that they do not intend to buy, they are only investigating, someone with intentions to invest or who knows how to do it HAS A BUDGET contemplated in advance, then either you get the truth or go back to a advisory.
Mega important that you learn this by heart: YOU ARE NOT SELLING AN OBJECTIVE, you are selling the medium, the execution so that YOUR CLIENT reaches their objectives, not the objective per se.
And it is that the objective does not depend only on you, for example, if your client wants his video to reach 1M. of reproductions no matter how much it costs, if the video is not good, it is boring and long NEITHER PAYING MILLIONS YOU WILL EVER GET THERE and that will not be your fault.
What if it will be your fault is if you sold your service based on a result and did not arrive for reasons external to you, such as Facebook crashing all day
How much to charge to advertise on Facebook or Google for a client: How to SELL Facebook or Google Ads (ADS) to your customers
You must say the following to your client: If you want to get to capture such a number of monthly prospects (prospects, not closed sales, that’s another thing) I attract you daily prospects, we put the amount you are willing to invest and we go together measuring results.
You set up the campaign and check with your client after a week how much Facebook or Google costs or charges you per prospect achieved.
Then with that data you can tell him, invest X amount so that you get X amount of prospects, from that I charge you 30% of the total invested and manage your campaign and you will know how much to charge for making ads.
Experience is the most valuable
If you already know from experience how much it costs you on average per KPI achieved, you avoid this last step. But calmly over time you will sell more and better.
You will also realize that prices are never constant or fixed, they vary from one moment to another, today Friday is expensive but the number of payment interactions is fluid, but tomorrow there is a football game and everything becomes more expensive because 60% of your possible clients do not even remember their social networks.
Never promise sales
Fatal mistake telling your client “you are going to sell X quantity” or “X quantity of new clients are going to arrive.
You work together with the client, ask for new images, modifications to the videos, ideas, adjust words that hook more, always ask for the client’s feedback throughout the process, for example if they receive many calls but they sell little, they should give you a report of the main objections and you should check if you are segmenting any negative interest or on the contrary if it is the sales process of your client that is failing.