How to Sell More Cars with Digital Marketing (Basic Guide)


How to Sell More Cars with Digital Marketing (Basic Guide)

Learn how to apply digital marketing strategies and the importance of valuable content to sell more cars.

How to Sell More Cars with Digital Marketing (Basic Guide)


If you belong to a car company and your question is how to sell more in the digital environment, we will teach you the keys to achieve it. 

Currently it is not new for companies to move in the digital environment and invest in advertising to reach more customers. E l digital marketing applied in car dealerships has had a powerful in recent years, because it has achieved a high number of sales that develops very fast way. For years, dealerships have reinvented their strategies to keep up with the competition and win more customers.

To do this, you need to define a digital marketing strategy, the first thing you should do is understand your customers , know their needs, doubts and problems. 

Digital marketing for car dealerships

Users in the automobile sector are on digital channels

The car industry is one of the sectors that has more prominence in the advertising field. You don’t have to go far to check it, you just have to open a Google tab and search for cars, to see the incredible number of ads from different brands. 

To be able to sell more, you must create ads that impact the interested user at first glance. As we mentioned, you must put the behaviors and needs function in motion.

How to start a digital marketing strategy for a car dealership ?

Analyze your audience: Know what they like, what worries them, what their needs are, what they want to know and what catches their attention. In this way, you will have the buyer persona of your business who will help you achieve the objectives you are pursuing. 

One of the best options in the automotive marketing of your company is to create different consumer profiles. You, more than us, know that within your audience there are different profiles, who have different interests in models in the product range.

This will allow you to focus your campaigns on specific groups such as: age, gender, demographics, and income. It will help you create personalized strategies and content adapted to the tastes and needs of each of your audience profiles.

Optimized website: By having an optimized website you will be able to occupy the best positions in Google search results. This will be reflected through content value, web user experience, page loading speed, and  SEO strategy .

A website without SEO is like buying a fancy car and never driving it, it doesn’t make sense.  

Web positioning is one of the key strategies in content marketing for dealerships, because you will appear in full view of customers when they search for terms related to the sector. In addition, it helps you position yourself organically in the long term without paid ads and although it takes a while, when you manage to position yourself, the web will be promoted 24/7. 

Benchmarking: Analyze the competition’s social networks and digital channels to know what content works and what doesn’t. In this way you will learn to promote publications that attract attention and avoid those that do not have interactions. 

Diffusion channels: Bet on Google and social networks, people search and want to find a secure page with relevant information. Social media works so that customers get to know the brand and have direct contact. In addition, it serves as an indicator of social reputation thanks to user interactions and comments.

The internet is a sea of ​​advertising, you must be insightful with your brand and give what the potential audience is looking for. People no longer go to a physical store to obtain information, the first place to search is the internet. 

Landing Pages Landing pages or landings are those where the user arrived for a promotion or content that caught their attention on social networks or the website. The objective of the landing is that you can obtain information from users and thus create a communication channel such as email marketing .  

Most users share their information to receive a useful gift in exchange, it can be a: course, discount coupon, eBook, podcast, among others.

Analyze the KPI’s: The indicators are metrics that will help you to know what the scope of the brand’s objectives is. These can be the page views, the number of shares of the content, the number of reactions in the publications, etc.

Why is it important to have a content strategy for a car dealership?

Helps you generate leads in a sustained way: Content marketing helps generate 3 times more leads than traditional strategies . 

Less expensive in the long term: The investment in content creation is justifiable because of the efficiency and performance they have. 70% of professionals invest in content marketing. (HubSpot, 2020)

Increase brand recognition: When you create valuable content, the audience appreciates it because they feel heard and cared for with the pain points they have. Content marketing is an opportunity for brands to transcend. 54% of specialists use this strategy to retain their customers. ( Optinmonster , 2020)

How to make an effective content campaign for the sale of cars?

Value content is necessary if you are looking to increase your revenue and improve customer service. An important fact is that companies that have a blog receive 55% more visitors to their websites , this is significant because some of the readers will be potential leads. 

This percentage is due to the fact that consumers are not currently looking for basic details of a car such as: make, speed, type of engine, etc. What they are looking for is to investigate the company, before making a purchase, that is why you must “exist on the internet and have the best content .  “

How to sell more cars on digital channels? 

Until this moment you will already know the most important details of applying digital marketing and content marketing to achieve sales and offer a quality service to users. 

  1. Advertise on the best internet sites: This marketing strategy for dealerships will help you increase your customer base, promote your brand image and convey a feeling of security, which is the most important thing for the future buyer.
  2. Take advantage of the special dates: Has it happened to you that you are browsing the internet and a promotion appears for Black Friday or CyberWow? It is a very successful strategy, because users find it necessary to purchase the products immediately. Don’t let it pass!

Tools you can use to apply digital marketing strategies in digital ads 

Google Ads: One of the digital marketing strategies for dealers that offers immediate results is paid ads in  Google Ads . This tool allows advertising to reach people interested in buying cars. 

In addition, on this platform you choose how much to invest and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Learn more about how to create campaigns in Google Ads .  

Facebook Ads: With these tools you can advertise your company and easily sell to potential audiences. The ads will be shown to people who might be interested in buying a car, likewise Facebook Ads allows you to interact with your users and know their opinions or points of view to improve your ad. Learn more about managing Facebook AD S with this guide. 

If you want to know more about digital marketing and content marketing strategies, at Contenttu we will be happy to help you. Get in touch with us and start to get the desired result. 

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