How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks


How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks

If you analyze the film of your mobile you can check the number of selfies you have taken. If you spend some time observing, you can see that it may have taken you several attempts to get the perfect selfie. And it is that taking a selfie is more complicated than it seems at first. You have to take into account a number of factors to have the correct selfie. Next, we are going to give you several tricks to make better selfies.

1. Know the camera of your mobile: How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks

If you want to take advantage of your camera, the most important thing is to know it well, so check its technical specifications in detail.

And be it the size of the sensor, the aperture of the lens or the resolution that it is capable of handling.

In addition, it is also important to know if your camera has different manual modes to control the exposure parameters , the ISO or the white balance to achieve specific effects.

2. Lighting, essential to take better selfies

Although it seems obvious, finding a suitable light source is the most important thing to take a good selfie. We must always try to find a light that highlights our attributes and hides the defects of the face. It is best to look for natural lighting, either from a window or in a bright exterior.

Good lighting can make skin imperfections or even dark circles “remove”. Try to find the most suitable angle. Generally, direct light from the front flattens the face, so it is best to be slightly angled.

As for the technical characteristics of the mobile , look for those focal points with the smallest value. This means that the camera will be able to capture much more light, so it will take better shots in low light situations.

Take better indoor selfies

In interior spaces, it is important to have good lighting or to have an internal camera with a large diaphragm.

3. Avoid sharp shadows and contrasts

In the central hours of the day more shadows are produced on our face. If you do not want to create a harsh and marked effect on your features, it is best to choose to take the photo when sunset or during sunrise. Indoors, to remove shadows from the face, it is best that the light is not too far away , as that would emphasize the dark areas of the face.

The HDR mode can help save those parts of the photos that are underexposed, but you have to be careful as it can create an artificial effect.

4. Beware of the Flash

In low light conditions you can use the Flash of your internal camera if you have one. However, the effect it causes is not the most appropriate, since these flashes create an artificial tone in the selfies.

A trick is if you have two mobiles, use one as a fixed flash and take the selfie with the other. By having the flash on one side, the selfies will be much more beautiful.

5. Play with the angles

When it comes to selfies, try to keep your chin down and your camera up. And it is that when taking a selfie, this angle is the most flattering for everyone. It makes our facial features narrower and more attractive.

On the other hand , it is best to hold the phone in such a way that the bottom of the device is level with your eyes. If you have a selfie stick, the task becomes much easier. This kind of angle makes everyone look slimmer and more harmonious.

If you want the selfie to be even more casual, it is best not to look directly at the camera, but to turn your head slightly and prepare your best pose.

iPhone selfie

Some cameras have a wide angle on their internal camera, which allows the field of view to be increased.

6. Take more than one shot

And, getting a good selfie the first time is very complicated. You have to try different angles and poses to later decide which one is the best. If professional photographers do it, it will be for a reason.

If you have burst mode , like the one available on the iPhone , you can take a lot of photos in a few seconds and then choose the one you like the most. Another option is to video record different poses and movements and then choose the frame that you like the most. Although it seems silly, the best selfies are achieved this way.

7. Find the best background to take better selfies

Although in selfies, the protagonist is you (and the people around you), it is important to pay attention to what is behind.

Find a place where there is no backlight , since, although it can be an interesting resource, when taking a selfie, all the details of the subject are lost and the background appears burned.

Try to find the best frame and make it beautiful. But, most importantly, don’t go looking for the perfect spot for your selfie. Sometimes a regular photo is better than a selfie.

Take better selfies.  Bottom

Care must be taken that both the background and the subject are correctly exposed and the person in focus.

8. Don’t go overboard with editing: How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks

Although editing and filtering photos is not bad, you have to be careful not to abuse these effects. They can make the selfie look unnatural. When editing the photo, try to make a subtle arrangement. Only edit those parts that you really want to fix. And it is that, when you try to eliminate all the imperfections, the face loses expressiveness and personality.

Regarding the filters, what you can do is not use it to its maximum capacity . For example, on Instagram, instead of selecting the photo filter, click the filter until a slider appears. This way you can reduce the incidence of the filter, making the photo appear more natural.

9. Use the right apps and filters: How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks

Many of the filters that we find in applications such as Instagram or photo editors, are more suitable for landscapes or for different scenes, so it is important to know which one is the most suitable for your selfie.

There are currently an infinite number of mobile applications with which you can edit your photos comfortably without the need to have great knowledge of photography. From the Afterlight, Facetune, Lightroom or Photoshop Fix application, most of them free.

Also, if you are interested in taking a lot of selfie photos, it is important that you look for mobiles that offer cameras with a good internal camera, not just external. Look for those that have a good diaphragm aperture and wide angle as they are the ones that will take better photos. If you are interested in mobiles with several focal points, we invite you to know the camera of the Huawei P30 Pro .

10. Take better selfies, without thinking: How to take better selfies with your mobile: practical tricks

Relax and find the most comfortable position. A selfie isn’t too serious, so just get in the position that feels most natural to you and smile.

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