How to teach Latin in public schools – PetsPedia

How to teach Latin in public schools


How to teach Latin in public schools

How to be an official professor of Latin
A blackboard, a chalk, and you’re ready to teach Latin – after some effort, of course!

As we have commented, the most logical thing to become an official Latin teacher is to do the Degree in Classical Studies, which will offer you a broad and multidisciplinary vision of the ancient world . It is complemented by five specialized itineraries: Greek, Latin, comparative literature, linguistics and sources for the study of the ancient and medieval world.

You will have subjects such as Latin and Greek prose, Greek and Latin texts, linguistics, grammar, literature, philosophy … Everything you need to be an expert in Latin !

After obtaining your Bachelor’s degree in Classical Studies (or another related degree such as the Degree in Spanish and Classical Studies or the degree in English or French Studies and Classics), you must take the Master’s Degree in Teaching to work as a civil servant professor. from Latin.

The main subjects that you will have to pass to pass this Master are the following:

  • Learning and development of personality
  • Society, Family and Education
  • Educational Processes and Contexts
  • History and Profile of the Teaching Work
  • Complements for Disciplinary Training (according to specialty)
  • Didactics of Subjects (according to specialty)
  • Teaching Innovation and Initiation to Educational Research (according to specialty)
  • Practices
  • Final work of master

Then, as we have said, you will have to take some competitive exams to get a fixed position as a civil servant professor. Preparing for exams is a long and hard process that requires a lot of motivation, but the good thing is that, once you have passed it, you will have a job for life.

The selective system is that of competition-opposition . The opposition phase consists of two tests, which will be eliminatory: test 1 (Practical Test and Development of a topic to demonstrate the specific knowledge of the teaching specialty to which one is opting); the Test 2 (Presentation + defense of a teaching program and preparation and oral presentation of a teaching unit for checking your teaching ability and mastery of the necessary techniques for teaching exercise).

You must bear in mind that in the competition-competition not only the marks of the selective tests are taken into account, but also the points that the candidates add for the accumulated merits, either in the form of professional experience or by taking courses. So collect all the points you can! How to teach Latin in public schools

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