How to write a motivation letter in English?

How to write a motivation letter in English?
Knowing how to write in English and speaking in English are highly demanded skills in the job market. In many sectors such as tourism, commerce or administration, future employees are expected to be able to communicate well in English. What’s more, if you want to work in an English-speaking country, the Human Resources manager will most likely ask you for a motivation letter in English to assess your language level.
However, do not be alarmed!
Get ready for your dream job!: How to write a motivation letter in English?
The motivation letter does not stop serving as a screen when selecting those candidates who really know English.
Therefore, this letter must be done step by step. Don’t worry though, there are many tools that can help you write it.
First, create a table in which you can distinguish the different parts of your letter : introductory paragraph, motivational paragraph, competency paragraph, etc. Once you create the table, do not leave behind any competition that you want to highlight, nor those expressions in English that you want to introduce.
A cover letter usually consists of three or four paragraphs:
Interest in the company and availability.
Attractive aspects of the position you are applying for.
Experience and skills acquired for said position.
Capture the reader’s attention so that you move on to the next phase.
This table can be used as a draft to write clearly and precisely your experience and your training.
Once the parts are established, start writing! Above all, do not forget to write short sentences and do not try to write sentences that are very complex from a grammatical point of view. Remember that you should not use a higher level than the one you have because at the time of the interview or speaking, it will be noticed.
On the other hand, don’t beat around the bush and go straight to the heart of the matter!
Explain your skills and associate them with significant experiences for the position applied for. English vocabulary should be properly arranged in combination with correct use of grammatical structures. The goal is to write a letter that is easy to read and does not contain any mistakes. Do not try to show that you have a level that you really do not have, as we have already told you.
Do you want to write a good motivation letter in English?
Once you’ve written your letter, ask someone you know who speaks English to review it for you . This will be the best way to see if you have written a letter clearly and effectively. It will also allow you to correct the latest errors. It may be that you have focused too much on the content and you have not taken care of the form.
If you are not comfortable enough to write a motivation letter in English, you can ask your English teacher for help . If you go to language school or to a private teacher, your teacher will guide you in the right direction: they can provide you with appropriate expressions to capture the attention of the Human Resources manager, as well as the formulas that English use in their formal letters, among them other:
Complimentary formulas to start the menu:
Dear Sir or Madam,
To whom it may concern,
To finish the letter:
Yours faithfully,
Best regards,
They will be able to provide you with sample templates as well and review the letter later to make sure the letter has been written consistently. Any acquaintance who knows English can also help you so that you can define their qualities and defects. So don’t hesitate to ask for help!