How to write better in English – PetsPedia

How to write better in English


How to write better in English

One of the skills that must be learned and improved in learning any language is written expression. Surely you have ever had to face a blank page to write a text comment, essay or similar, and surely also that, even in your mother tongue, you will have had some or other difficulty expressing and ordering your ideas.
Well, when it comes to a foreign language, the difficulty is even greater, so from the writing of Superprof we are going to give you a series of guidelines that can help you unleash your pen and wrist .

Read newspapers: How to write better in English

It is recommended to read written press when the level of English is medium-high. Keep in mind that the vocabulary and structures used in newspapers are quite formal and concrete, so if you have a basic level, opt for another of the solutions that we propose. You will feel more comfortable. This does not mean that you abandon the first time of change and that you do not have to resort to the dictionary on occasion. An effort is also necessary to be able to increase your vocabulary. Therefore, choose a simple reading appropriate to your level and increase its difficulty over time. Today, you will find a large number of publications on paper and on the Internet.
Reading the newspaper in English is highly recommended to acquire a higher level vocabulary.
Read novels
Do you love to read in your free time? Or maybe reading isn’t one of your favorite hobbies, but you’ve recently read a book that you couldn’t put down until you’ve reached the end?
You can also experience this with books written in the English language. You just have to choose a novel according to your level and interests. From more modern authors like JK Rowling (Harry Potter) to the classics of Charles Dickens, passing through Virginia Woolf.
And now that summer holidays are approaching, why don’t you take that book to the beach or the pool that you haven’t been able to read due to lack of time? Of course, in English!

Watch movies and series in VOS: How to write better in English

Another alternative that we propose and that is available to everyone is to watch movies or series in their original version. Thanks to the different payment platforms such as Netflilx or Movistar, but also for free, for example, Youtube, you can find thousands of series and movies in English, with or without Spanish subtitles.
Ideally, opt for the original version in its entirety, that is, without Spanish subtitles. Now, if you consider that it is too complicated for your level and you feel that you are going to lose the thread of the argument, then we encourage you to start with the audio in English and the subtitles in Spanish.
Surely you have a favorite series that you are looking forward to seeing when you get home! In addition, with this option you can also improve your accent. Two in one!

Learn discursive connectors: How to write better in English

Knowing how to order ideas in speech, both spoken and written, is essential to express yourself properly and correctly. And to achieve this, something highly recommended is to know the connectors, those words that help us to list, add, contrast ideas, such as, on the one hand, on the other, in addition, however, and a long etcetera.
Depending on your level the list will be more or less extensive and more or less complex. Start by studying a few each day, until you get to memorize the fundamental connectors according to your level. You will see how it will be easier for you to write and speak with the help of these magic words.

Enrich your vocabulary: How to write better in English

In any language, as in your mother tongue, having a rich and varied vocabulary is essential to express yourself correctly and accurately. But what can we do to increase the lexicon in English? Well, nothing more and nothing less than the cards with words. Create cards by topic (clothing, human body, food and drink, sports, etc.) and study a minimum of 10 words a day. Add another 10 the next day and review those of the previous day. This traditional method is of great help.

Force you to write

The above tips are useless if you don’t put them into practice, that is, if you don’t start writing in English. At first, it will cost you, you will not know how to express exactly the ideas you have in your head or you will do it thinking about the structures in Spanish, but do not panic! Everything is a matter of practice, which together with the learning of new vocabulary, grammatical structures and connectors, will improve day by day.

Improve your spelling with the help of dictionaries

How important it is to know how to write WELL! The generation of SMS and WhatsApp has harmed, and a lot, not only young people, but also adults. Making spelling mistakes when writing a simple message or note is much more common than it may seem. And this also happens in English-speaking countries where the tendency is to shorten words. Therefore, you who want to improve your written expression in English, pay attention and do not hesitate to consult everything that may raise the slightest doubt, even in Spanish!

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