If you have a Samsung Galaxy S8 you will no longer receive updates


If you have a Samsung Galaxy S8 you will no longer receive updates

Receiving updates on your mobile phone is essential, since not only can they offer you improvements that will make you get more out of your device, but they also include resolution of errors and bugs and new security patches. For this reason, more and more users value that their smartphone continues to be updated even when some time has passed since its purchase. If you have a  Samsung Galaxy S8 , we have the bad news that you will no longer receive updates.

Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + drop from the company’s update program

Although you are disappointed to know that you will no longer have any more updates on your mobile, the truth is that you can be satisfied that the South Korean company has kept them for four years . This is a period of time much higher than the average of other manufacturers, in fact, until the last security patch of April 2021, these two devices have been kept up to date. If you have not done this update yet, you will find it in the Updates section of the Settings menu.

samsung galaxy s8

Now both Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8 + are dropped from this program and  will not receive any more updates . It is true that they are smartphones that are still very solvent and that many users will be happy with them, but technology continues to evolve and, since they were presented at the beginning of 2017, it has rained a lot.

Therefore, if you have a Samsung Galaxy S8 or a Galaxy S8 +, you should know that you will no longer receive new improvements or security updates. Is the time to change your mobile? This is a decision left to your roof. In any case, you will be able to continue using it until now, the only difference is that its support life has ended after four years on the market.

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