Japanese classes by videoconference, step by step
Japanese classes by videoconference, step by step

If you want to learn the Japanese language to take a trip to Japan or to work in the country, for example, you probably don’t have time other than to learn the basics.
Why not opt for the webcam Japanese classes ?
This has several advantages for learning a language:
- a time saver : you don’t need your teacher to go anywhere, you just need to connect your computer to attend an hour of class during the noon break.
- No geographical limitations: if you find a great Japanese teacher but he is going to live in another city, you can follow your Japanese classes on webcam.
- greater time flexibility : do you work until 10pm and would you like to take Japanese classes? It is possible with online classes by webcam, if your teacher agrees, of course.
- different tools: shared screen, Google Doc, emails, and applications such as WhatsApp, to share the corrections of the exercises, for example.
To find a teacher that suits what you need, you have multiple profiles on our platform.
Our teachers also offer webcam classes, just choose this option after indicating the subject and your location.
A Japanese class costs an average of between 7 and 17 euros per hour.
The quality of these courses is the same as that of the face-to-face classes, their effectiveness depends above all on your motivation.
To choose your teacher well, ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you a beginner or do you already have a foundation?
- Would you rather learn Japanese with a native teacher or don’t you care?
- How much do you want to spend ?
- What is your goal ?
- What are the references of your potential teacher?
To follow classes by webcam, it is better to invest a little in quality image and sound material.
You will need a budget of about one hundred euros to buy a good webcam and headphones with a microphone so that your teacher can hear you better, especially during your pronunciation exercises.