Know how to conjugate the verb tenses of English grammar – PetsPedia

Know how to conjugate the verb tenses of English grammar


Know how to conjugate the verb tenses of English grammar

To understand and speak English well,  verb tenses and their conjugation  are essential to learning the language. You will not be able to understand a native if you do not know if they speak to you in the present, past or future.
Which book to choose to learn English grammar.
Keep in mind that  many verb tenses are similar . Whether in the present, past or future, we always find a simple time and a time called “continuous”. For example, there is the present simple and the present continuous.
The present is formed by adding a -s to the third person singular.
The past tense is formed by adding -ed to the infinitive without  to . There are also irregular verbs.
The future is formed by adding the auxiliary  will in  front of the verb base.
Continuous tenses (present continuous, past continuous, future continuous) are made up of the following formula:  be  + verbal base + -ing. We will say “I am walking” for “I am walking.” These times allow to express a situation that is happening, that was happening or that is going to be happening.
Do you want to know how to practice all these times? You have to  learn and understand how they work and how they are used , and put all this learning into practice by doing exercises or doing a language stay in an English-speaking country. Know how to conjugate the verb tenses of English grammar

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