Learn Arabic for cultural reasons – PetsPedia

Learn Arabic for cultural reasons


Learn Arabic for cultural reasons

As we have already mentioned, the culture of the Arab world is very rich, very broad. Learning a living language like Arabic will help you broaden your horizons and your general culture.
The Arabs have left us a great cultural legacy on the artistic, scientific and literary level.
Among the many legacies of Arab civilization, architecture.

These are some of his many contributions: Learn Arabic for cultural reasons

In the 9th century, Harun al-Rashid (763-809), the fifth caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, founded the first hospital.
Ibn Nafis (1213-1288), a Syrian scientist, discovered the pulmonary circulation and his writings traveled the West until the 16th century.
The Iranian Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274) invented the most advanced planetary system of his time. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) drew on his work 250 years later.
Some instruments related to astronomy (the astrolabe, the astronomical clock, the sundial, the compass) used by the European colonizers in the New World come from the Arab civilization.
The famous philosopher, lawyer and physician Averroes (1126-1198) influenced medieval scholasticism. His writings contributed to the understanding of Aristotle’s work and he was the founder of secular thought in Western Europe.
In terms of architecture, the Arabs left a great legacy that can still be seen today in cities in Spain, France, the Balkans and North Africa.
While the West lashed out at all that was revealed profane and Christian monks lived isolated in small libraries, the Muslims of Andalusia and North Africa enjoyed an unprecedented “golden age” that allowed them to advance dramatically and brought a remarkable knowledge to obscurantist Europe.

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