Learn Arabic with music – PetsPedia

Learn Arabic with music

Music is a great way to learn Arabic in a fun way. As with movies and series, music allows us to memorize words and phrases with little effort.

What is better than learning with songs ?: Learn Arabic with music

Learn pronunciation
To get a good Arabic accent, you not only have to listen to the songs, but you also have to pay attention to how the words are pronounced.
In songs, the accent is usually a little different. However, the pronunciation of consonants and vowels is usually well marked. Contrary to what happens with the cinema, listening to music we can concentrate only on what we receive through our auditory sense.
Update your playlist !
Our brain is not distracted by images, so we can only work on our hearing.

Work on oral and written comprehension

And those who say that they work on hearing, also say that they work on understanding Arabic.
Both on the written and on the oral level, it is essential that we understand our interlocutors well.
If you go on a trip to Algeria, Morocco or Egypt, you will have to do your best to understand what they tell you. Sometimes it is not a question of a lack of vocabulary, but simply a general comprehension problem.
Arabic speakers are not going to speak to you like the learning CDs that usually come with textbooks, so we must be able to understand Arabic in a more natural setting.

Practice with translations

Arabic songs are a great way to learn… by translating! And why do we encourage you to translate?
Well, looking for the meaning of a word, your brain retains the information much better.
Today it is very easy to find the lyrics of a song on the Internet or on CD. You can practice transcribing the lyrics of the Arabic songs you listen to into the Latin alphabet and vice versa.
To help you, take a look at the best Arabic songs in music history or recent years. Rachid Taha, Saad Lamjarred, Ahmed Chawki, Khaled, Sniper… There are options for all tastes!

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