Make an artistic caricature – PetsPedia

Make an artistic caricature


Make an artistic caricature

How to caricature.
“Nothing looks more like something than his cartoon.” – Gaston Bouthoul

If there is one art of which drawing classes can never make you fully master, it is that of caricature . Between social criticism and exaggerated body parts, cartoons always make us react, be it to laugh, to move us or to get angry. Find out how to learn the basics of cartooning with Superprof.

The caricature: a humorous portrait

A cartoon is the drawing of a person made by magnifying the characteristics to ridicule with humor, but above all it is a means to denounce situations, to express ideas and mock within the freedom of expression.

Inspiration can come from different angles, but the main one is current affairs. Dani Blázquez, Cristiano Siqueira, Óscar Giménez or Pablo Lobato are great names in this art of social and political criticism that leaves no one indifferent. Remember that to make a cartoon, it is better to highlight a situation than to poke fun without a specific purpose!

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