Monster Hunter World Big Monster Guide


Monster Hunter World Big Monster Guide

Got stuck on a big monster? Check out in this guide quick tips for each one.

Monster Hunter: World

It is very difficult to bring up a topic that everyone agrees on, but if we say that Monster Hunter: World is a game about boss battles with a lot of depth, we leave little room for discussion. This is something many newbies to the series are realizing, and that’s where a lot of the magic lies. In this guide, we want to share tips and quick tables where anyone can learn something. “What am I doing wrong? What am I going to face? Why did I kill a monster and the mission counts as failed? “


Even if Monster Hunter World bothers to answer most of these questions, we want to give you a little nudge with hints, tips, and a few tricks that might help you get out of hand with a monster. Keep in mind that in this article we talk about basic and quick tips. At 3DJuegos, we already have more complex guides in production with the ins and outs of each monster, something that is probably appreciated among more advanced users for high rank. When will they be ready? Let’s give the community time to find all the weaknesses of each monster first.


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I’ve gotten stuck in a monsterIt is normal. We all do it at some point. Keep in mind that if you play with your console connected to the internet, you can always launch an SOS flare to open up your mission to other players who decide to join you in helping out. However, the ideal is that you understand the ins and outs of each creature until you can hunt it alone. Monster Hunter is not necessarily difficult, but it is deep and complex. That is why it is important to read guides and share information with other players.


Now to the chop. All monsters have unique characteristics as a species, even those that belong to the same family. For example, the Kulu-Ya-Ku picks up stones for protection, while the Bazelgeuse drops bombs on the ground while flying. Understanding these behavior patterns – and how to deal with them or even use them to your advantage – is essential to winning.


Image from Monster Hunter: World

Second, keep in mind that all monsters have at least one part that can be broken or even severed , like the tail in most cases. Breaking these parts will not only improve your potential rewards, it will also limit the monster’s power. For example, Rathian is incapable of poisoning you if you cut off his tail.


Remember also that each monster has specific weaknesses . We talk about elemental damage, yes, but we also talk about resistance to paralysis, sleep or poison; and different resistance to cutting, hitting or piercing weapons in each part of its body. Depending on the monster and the weapon you are carrying, you will want to attack specific parts. Some require some sharpening to damage the monster’s body.


If even taking into account the complete information of a monster, it is difficult for you, study the following possibilities.


  • Are you making good use of the bag? You’ll want to carry a good number of potions and mega potions, as well as other useful items. If it’s a plague-inducing monster, carry curibayas on it. If he poisons you, bring antidote. If you cannot carry enough for the whole fight, stock up in the trunk of the camp or create the objects you need with the natural resources.
  • Do you use the tools at your disposal? Using bombs on sleeping or trapped monsters can do a lot of damage to them, and it has always been one of the most useful ways to hunt down and break parts. If you can’t use natural traps to your advantage, create them yourself! Cloaks can also help you greatly, as can Comrades Felyne if you equip them properly.
  • Are you using the right equipment? It is important to update your armor from time to time, or improve the one you already have with armor spheres. You can do this from the blacksmith. The same goes for weapons, of which you will want to have some variety if you want to exploit each monster’s weak points.


Wyvern birdImage from Monster Hunter: World
Kulu-Ya-Ku An egg thief who grabs hard rocks to ward off frontal attacks – you can attack him from the sides if that’s the case.

  • It is also possible to force him to drop the stone by shooting his hands with the sling, or by repeatedly hitting the rock with weapons.
Pukei-Pukei It feeds on different fruits to enhance or alter the functioning of its poison. Using the sling, it is possible to interrupt the process to reduce or nullify it.

  • He will try to run away if he faces monsters bigger than himself.
  • The electrical element is effective in most of your body.
Tzitzi-Ya-Ku It is similar to monsters from past installments like “dromes” and “aggis” (Velocidrome, Giadrome, Great Jaggi, Great Baggi, etc) but gains some new attacks. Among them, the most remarkable is a flash of light that will confuse you regardless of whether you look directly at it or not. If you spread the membrane around your eyes, get out of the area.

  • Before blinding you with a flash of light, it will briefly show the area it will affect. If you are close to the monster, you better roll towards its back rather than in front of its head.
  • He attacks his head: he can kick you sideways very quickly, but takes longer to take a bite.


Gross WyvernImage from Monster Hunter: World
Anjanath He is a violent monster that will chase you even to other areas, so verticality is more useful to deter him.

  • In the Ancient Forest, you will face Rathalos. However, the flying wyvern is stronger than Anjanath, and Anjanath will lose.
  • If you hit its throat when it turns red, you will knock it down and drop material on the ground.
  • He is markedly susceptible to water throughout his body.
Barroth A wyvern that covers its body in mud and struggles by charging forward, butting its head and dropping mud. It hinders your movement and induces water plague, but it can be removed with weapons or with the sling to limit its potential.

  • When it covers its body in mud, you can use water weapons or shoot aquatic plants with the sling to remove it.
  • Without mud, Barroth’s body is easier to cut and he won’t be able to throw it to attack.
  • It is vulnerable to water when it has mud, and to fire when it is not.
Deviljho Deviljho is planned as post-launch DLC and it is not yet possible to know what modifications it will have compared to previous games.
Radobaan It protects its skin with bones from dead monsters, but it is possible to break many of these bones limiting its power.

  • Since bones are lighter than Uragaan ore, it is also a faster wyvern.
  • If he meets the Odogaron in the Rotten Valley, he will lose.
  • His head is susceptible to the drake element, but you must break his armor to hit him.
Uragaan The Radobaan’s “cousin” is a very heavy MH3 veteran capable of shaking and surrounding himself with fire. The anti-shake ability can come in handy.

  • The tail can be broken several times before cutting. It will do the same damage, but you won’t be able to use it to blast rocks.
  • If he drools, wait for him to roll to attack: he will fall to the ground for several seconds. Its body is softer than its mineral shell.
  • Weak to water.


Fanged WyvernImage from Monster Hunter: World
  • The rocks it eats protect its jaw and become volatile. It’s easier to hit his body, if you can. Remember that the hammer can cause fatigue even in the rest of the body.
Great Girros He leads a pack of Girros, and is able to secrete a paralysis-inducing substance when spitting or biting.

  • He will lose if he faces the Odogaron in the Rotten Valley.
  • He often fights accompanied by a handful of Girros. It is easier to force him to flee so he does not have to deal with the toxic gases of his peers.
  • It breaks its fangs to limit its ability to induce paralysis.
  • It is quite weak to water.
Great Jagras A huge lizard that devours monsters as large as an Aptonoth alive. If you do, your belly will swell and your blows will be stronger.

  • He will spit out what he eats if he takes enough damage on a full stomach, limiting the strength of his tummies.
  • Lead the Jagras, but you can drive him away with dung to face him alone.
  • Very susceptible to fire.
  • He will face Anjanath in the Ancient Forest. And you will lose.
Odogaron A violent and agile quasi-lupine wyvern with a unique arsenal of movements. It can induce bleeding. If that’s the case, crouch down until the effect wears off or reverse it with meat.

  • He will win in the meetings with Paolumu, Gran Girros and Radobaan.
  • It can be found quickly by going to its lair, where it often carries corpses.
  • It is very violent and attacks anything in its path.
  • Susceptible to frost, quite resistant to drake.
Tobi-Kadachi A peaceful wyvern that does not attack when it sees you, but can charge its back with electricity to charge with great power. Avoid climbing trees.

  • Use traps to prevent it from reaching the tree trunks, where it will charge with electricity and launch like a flying squirrel.
  • He wears armor resistant to electricity, such as bone armor.
  • It does not have particularly notable weaknesses, but water is the most suitable element for it.


Flying wyvernImage from Monster Hunter: World
Bazelgeuse It is a fighter plane that drops bombs, no more, no less. You’d better keep your distance and wait a bit to attack its legs or head after the bumps it drops explode.

  • Bows and crossbows are equally welcome. Fire resistant armor and curibayas are directly essential.
Devils A powerful wyvern that hides underground and attacks by charging with its horns. It is fast and violent.

  • Limit its power by cutting or splitting its horns and tail.
  • It uses sonic ammunition to make it come out when it is buried.
  • Look at the ground to see where you are going once you are underground.
  • If it’s hiding behind a waterfall of sand, be prepared for it to appear from anywhere.
  • Susceptible to ice all over your body.
Black devils
  • It’s a nearly identical version of Diablos, but it catapults off the ground at a higher speed.
Legiana A flying wyvern capable of moving with agility and precision through the air, and launching blasts of ice around it.

  • He will fight and win with Paolumu if they meet in the Coral Highlands.
  • To reach it, use a crossbow or make it fall to the ground with flashes of light that some insects produce, or even the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku.
  • Their nest is at the top of the Coral Highlands, and you can get there with the mantle that they give you before arriving, taking advantage of a nearby air current. This cloak also serves to fly up to its height with the currents it produces, and it is even possible to drink potions in the air.
  • Very susceptible to electricity.
Paolumu A winged wyvern capable of swelling its neck to stay in the air for a while, something that makes it really annoying. However, it is possible to force it to fall to the ground, where it is much more affordable.

  • He inflates his neck sac with air to stay aloft, and blows wind to attack. Since it becomes uncomfortable to attack him, it is necessary to make him fall to the ground.
  • To do this, you must mount him (something the flight cloak can help you with) or repeatedly attack his swollen neck. From the ground, it is much more vulnerable. You can also use flashes of light to confuse him.
  • Vulnerable to fire.
Rathalos The iconic wyvern that characterizes the entire Monster Hunter saga. It tests almost everything you’ve learned as a hunter: earth, air, poison, stun, fire plague, cuttable parts… it has a bit of everything.

  • Take antidotes and curibayas to fight with the plagues of poison and fire. If it burns you, roll on the water.
  • It cuts its tail to limit its potential both in the air and on the ground.
  • Its nest in the Ancient Forest is just below a water dam. Use bombs to unleash a river on the monster, dealing damage and knocking it down.
  • Weak to electricity.
Celestial Rathalos
  • A more violent high-ranking version of Rathalos, but one that shares almost all of his characteristics.
Rathian Rathalos’ female counterpart is somewhat more common and weak at low rank, but they are almost identical when it comes to fighting.

  • It is a more affordable fight because it prefers to fight on the ground, although if it flies you can knock it down by riding it or with flashes of light.
  • Weak to electricity.
Rathian rose
  • It is almost identical to Rathian, but exclusive to the high rank. Sometimes he is found collaborating with Celestial Rathalos from the ground.


Wyvern poolImage from Monster Hunter: World
Jyuratodus A Piscine that covers itself in mud to fight, just like the Barroth. The difficulty lies in learning your place on the ground so as not to lose mobility.

  • If he encounters Barroth in the Spire Waste, they will initiate a turf fight that will result in both contestants taking damage and Jyuratodus taken down.
  • It is possible to use water and flashes of light to keep it out of the mud, which is its natural environment.
  • As you swim, leave behind mud pylons that you can climb for better mobility.
  • Weak to water when covered in mud.
  • Fighting fire is a priority. He wears fire resistant armor, curibayas and uses water weapons. Fight him on land, fear him when he dives. Sonic booms can get you out of hiding.


Elder dragonImage from Monster Hunter: World
Kirin The smaller elder dragon shares many fighting patterns with the Kelbi, assuming the Kelbi could control electricity.

  • Its weak point is the horn.
  • Pay attention to the lightning strikes around him – in general, they are more damaging than the monster’s melee.
  • Vulnerable to fire, water and ice.
Kushala daora One of the most classic elder dragons in the series. It has a hard metal shell and controls drafts.

  • When it is enveloped in wind, it attacks its head and tail: entering that air bubble will knock you down and do damage.
  • Keep Your Weapon Sharp – The monster’s metal body requires very high sharpening to penetrate the armor. Alternatively, use normal or jump bombs to damage him.
Nergigante A debutante elder dragon who is also the iconic monster of World. It hunts by throwing its own quills, which do not stop regenerating in its body. Although it appears twice at low rank, you won’t be able to hunt it until you reach high rank.

  • When it throws spikes, it grows other spikes that take time to regenerate. Break them before they fully harden, or else they will do more damage. However, they require good sharpening to achieve this.
  • If it grows the spikes all over its body, it can make a very powerful attack that you must avoid at all costs. The good news is that you will lose all the tines afterwards.
  • It is very vulnerable to poison, and can be fatigued.
Teostra An ancient territorial dragon that uses the fire that it generates and that of the volcano in which it lives at will.

  • Stay away from the Teostra and attack its body from outside – it has an fiery aura that will burn you if you get too close. If you see that it rises curling up in the air, run away: it will explode with that fire around.
Vaal Hazak An ancient dragon that is not too strong, but takes advantage of controlling a bacterium called effluvium. Be careless and it will leave your life exposed to any blow.

  • You need curibayas to deal with the effluvium, a bacterium that the monster controls at will and halves your maximum health. Take lots with you, and retrieve your inventory at the camp if you need it.
  • There are two powerful effluvium attacks that you must dodge at all costs. Get under him to dodge the beam, and if you see a wave carrying a wave, run far away.
Xeno’jiiva The final boss of the game is a newborn elder dragon (a young dragon, I guess ..) that uses bioenergy to attack.

  • It does not have particularly novel techniques, save for a charged beam that it exhales through its mouth and that you must avoid at all costs. You can also do it after giving a belly, in this case with the front legs.
  • The biggest challenge is staying alive: despite being a newborn dragon, it has absurdly high vitality. The fight can go on for more than half an hour without problem.
Zorah Magdaros The elder dragon of the low-ranking campaign. The final showdown is divided into two phases, but you don’t fight the monster directly with your weapons. Instead, you must break critical points on his body (the head is only accessible when he stands up) and then use cannons and ballistae to destroy him.

  • As the damage phase begins, fire the cannons loaded with five rounds at the left and right ends of the fortress. Remember to visit them from time to time, because the NPCs in each one constantly fill them (but do not fire).
  • Use the girdle to stop a charged attack from the Elder Dragon. Otherwise, it could not only damage the fortress, but destroy your weapons as well.
  • Taking time measurements, it is more convenient to distribute the players in 2 and 2 for each cannon on the front.

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