Monster Hunter World Bird Wyverns Guide: Weaknesses and Tips


Monster Hunter World Bird Wyverns Guide: Weaknesses and Tips

Weaknesses and tips for Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku.

Monster Hunter: World

If you have gotten stuck when it comes to hunting or finding the materials of a large monster from Monster Hunter: World , at 3DJuegos we offer you a guide with the information you need. On this occasion, we will cover the bird wyvern : Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. Find tips on how to kill them and get all their weapons and armor.


“And what about the rest of the monsters?” Patience: in writing we have all the creatures of Monster Hunter: World in the spotlight to provide you with a complete guide to the video game. Also note that if the dedicated community discovers new special features about any monster covered below, we will update the article to echo them.


Tricks and curiosities that maybe you did not know about Monster Hunter: World




Image from Monster Hunter: World



The Kulu-Ya-Ku’s weak point is undoubtedly its head, although you will spend a good deal of time hitting its front legs as well: not only are they weak (particularly to hit damage) but you can also knock off the rock. hitting there. Avoid hitting the rock when you pick it up, though: you will lose a lot of sharpening and do almost no damage at all. Check out the detailed Kulu-Ya-Ku damage chart on Kiranico.


Fire ** Poison **
Water *** Sleep **
Ray ** Paralysis **
Ice ** Explosion **
Dragon ** Daze **




  • Every now and then, Kulu-Ya-Ku picks up a stone from the ground and holds it between its front legs. This stone protects you from blows to the head, but it can be broken by hitting it directly, or even by hitting the monster’s own legs. You can also shoot his front legs with the sling to force him to let go.
  • Some of your moves ignore the hardness of the rock, such as the spirit combo of the long sword or the charged strike of the hammer.
  • He can be seen in the Ancient Forest and the Needle Waste. In the latter, you’ll often see him stealing herbivore eggs from the map entrance.
  • You can break both its beak and its legs.




The rarest piece you can get from the Kulu-Ya-Ku is the Bird Wyvern Gem . It is only available in high rank, and can be obtained in a number of ways.


  • Dismantling the body.
  • Reward for capture.
  • Research reward (bronze, silver or gold).


If you need more Kulu + spikes or Kulu + feathers, try breaking their head and front legs, respectively.




Image from Monster Hunter: World



We are not talking about a monster particularly resistant to anything, but the head and tongue of the Pukei-Pukei are especially sensitive to all types of damage. Its tail is slightly more fragile than the rest of its body, too. Avoid water damage: as you can see, it has resistance to this element. See the detailed Pukei-Pukei damage chart in Kiranico.


Fire ** Poison *
Water x Sleep ***
Ray *** Paralysis ***
Ice ** Explosion **
Dragon * Daze **




It is a poison- spitting monster , so carry antidotes in the bag or upgrade the antidote ability to 3rd level in your armor set to negate its effects.
Although he is violent against small monsters, he will flee from enemies that are bigger than him. Save your dung pods if you find yourself in a two-way match.
You can damage the head, back and wings of the Pukei-Pukei, as well as cut off its tail.
This monster consumes certain berries to modify the intensity of its poison. If you see him flee into the forest to feed, throw shredded nuts at him with the sling to force him back. If its tail is swollen, it has already eaten: be careful.
It only moves through the Ancient Forest and wooded areas of the Needle Waste.




As with the Kulu-Ya-Ku, the rarest item you can get by hunting the Pukei-Pukei is the Flying Wyvern Gem, which is exclusive to high rank and is obtained in the following ways.


  • Dismantling the body.
  • As a reward for capturing him alive.
  • Research reward (bronze, silver and gold).


In addition, in all the additional rewards offered in the investigations you can get the Poison Sack, which is used in the manufacture of certain weapons and armor for high rank.




Image from Monster Hunter: World



Interestingly, the weakest part of the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku’s body is not the head, but the antennae. At least that’s the way it is for slash and fire weapons, but not for hit damage. If you have a hammer or hunting horn, simply do not attack the tail to maximize your effectiveness. Check out the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku damage chart in detail on Kiranico.


Fire ** Poison **
Water ** Sleep **
Ray *** Paralysis **
Ice *** Explosion **
Dragon ** Daze **




  • Without a doubt, the lens that reflects light from its antennas is its ace up its sleeve. Although it is possible to damage this part of your body, it will continue to emit ‘flashes’ of light from time to time. However, it is possible to telegraph this stunning movement by looking at the ground: the flickering light that is reflected also reveals the area that will be affected by the glare.
  • He only appears in the Coral Highlands, but if you run into him while fighting Paolumu, Legiana, or Pink Rathian, you can use his light attack to your advantage to take down the flying wyverns.




As in the previous cases, the bird wyvern gem is the rarest material of the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, and it can also be obtained in the same ways described with the Pukei-Pukei and the Kulu-Ya-Ku.


  • Dismantling the body.
  • Reward for capture.
  • Research reward (bronze, silver or gold).


Saving the gem, perhaps the photophore is the second hardest material to come by. It is about that reflective membrane that it has in the antennas, and although its percentage of appearance is low, it can be obtained as a reward for hunting or capturing, in all research rewards or by cutting it up. If you break its antennae, you have an even better chance of finding it.

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