New comparisons between Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch show the large size of Valve’s laptop


New comparisons between Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch show the large size of Valve’s laptop

The size of the new Steam laptop is surprising the media, who share its comparisons.

Steam deck

Steam Deck , Valve’s new console has been on everyone’s lips since it was presented last July. The console proposes to bring the Steam library for PC to your hands with powerful hardware that could move all current PC games on a portable device that looks like a console, but with the heart of a PC. A very attractive idea with which Gabe Newell hopes to sell millions of consoles .


 Size and weight are some of the data that generate the most doubtsTo find out where the secrets to the success of Steam Deck lie, we have analyzed the data we know from the console to understand a little better the concept with which Valve intends to strike the chord. Although the idea of ​​a PC in your hands seems like a dream, taking this purpose to reality does mean running into some problems in terms of portability . The size and weight of the console are some of the data that have generated the most doubts since its presentation.



The size of the Steam Deck is going to be much larger than the SwitchTom Warren , from The Verge, has shared on Twitter a first comparative image with Nintendo Switch in which a substantial difference in sizes can be seen between Valve’s proposal and Nintendo’s . While the Nintendo Switch measures less than 9 inches wide and just over 4 inches high, Valve’s laptop deploys nearly 12 inches wide by more than 4 inches high, plus a greater thickness greatly augmented by the ergonomic shape. of the Steam laptop, as opposed to the flat shapes of the Switch.



Jan Ochoa from Giant Bomb has also shared a comparative image on his Twitter profile, but he has gone further and compared the Valve laptop with different famous models of portable consoles, among which are also the Game Boy Advance , PS Vita and Game Gear . While some laptops such as Game Gear or the Switch itself were already famous for being larger than we were used to, the size of the Steam Deck is going to be much larger than these.

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