No Man’s Sky celebrates its fifth anniversary with an emotional video and puts mystery to its new update – PetsPedia

No Man’s Sky celebrates its fifth anniversary with an emotional video and puts mystery to its new update


No Man’s Sky celebrates its fifth anniversary with an emotional video and puts mystery to its new update

Frontiers, the upcoming content for the space exploration game, will include “key science fiction” elements.

Although it did win the odd slap on the wrist at its premiere, the truth is that Sean Murray and the Hello Games team are doing a huge job with No Man’s Sky . The space exploration game celebrates its fifth anniversary and its creators have wanted to pay tribute to all this time with a commemorative video. And with more details of your next content.


Frontiers, the new update, will arrive soon, although they do not give a dateThe new update of the game will be called Frontiers and Murray himself has given more details of what we will find, although they have not been very obvious clues. The creative describes it as “a new step in our journey that will come soon.” The thing does not stop there, but they get mysterious and indicate that it will add “a fundamental aspect in science fiction that was not present until now”, and that is “something that we have always wanted to add and it fits very well in the fifth anniversary” .


No Man's Sky

In addition, the creative takes stock of all this time: “It has not always been easy, but what has guided us at all times have been the players and the community . Behind every update, every video, every feature and line in a patch note is a team that cares deeply about this game. “


The truth is that No Man’s Sky has constantly added updates , both adding content and improving and solving problems to have a unique experience throughout the galaxy.

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