Open Higher Studies with online access


Open Higher Studies with online access

SEAS is an educational institution with 60 years of experience, whose teaching method has been based on the technical training of professionals, specialized in the industrial and business fields .

This center has fifteen years of experience in the field of online training, based on the e-learning system. Its online training offer includes training in  industry ,  computing ,  renewable energy ,  automation  or  mechanical design .

SEAS educational model: Open Higher Studies with online access

This training center uses an online methodology that has its own virtual campus, based on the personalized attention of the student. His teaching method has constant monitoring of the educational process of his students, with planning organized by a team of teachers. These professionals will be in charge of guiding, organizing and accompanying the student’s academic itinerary.

SEAS online training allows the student to decide their own study pace. The virtual platform will be the meeting point with the center, being able to access all the educational material, with a completely flexible schedule and knowledge adapted to its objectives. The didactic material is updated and oriented to the working world accessible from the SEAS virtual campus , with additional training material (communication tools, bibliography, webinars, external references …).

The student’s evaluation will be assessed through tests, exercises, assignments and projects based on real cases applicable to the world of work. All of this will be used to assess the work performed by the student.

Advantages of SEAS: Open Higher Studies with online access

The methodology developed by SEAS has many advantages valued by its students:

  • Personalized attention . The student is the absolute protagonist of the course, with personalized attention in the hands of tutors, coordinators and campus teachers, so that the student completes the training with a high degree of satisfaction.
  • Official University Recognition . All SEAS programs are recognized by the San Jorge University or the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and grant ETCS credits, for the maximum use of the study.
  • Specialized teachers . The SEAS teaching team is made up of professionals active in their respective areas of knowledge. The syllabi for each course are prepared and validated by teachers who are up-to-date in their fields and who are valid to access the labor market.
  • Own online platform . SEAS has a virtual campus from which the student can access the contents of their course anywhere at any time.

What courses does this center teach?

SEAS courses are eminently focused on higher studies in the industrial and business fields. Its wide range of courses has different levels with official recognition from the San Jorge University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Its students will be able to access both specialized technical courses , higher-level training cycles,  as well as master’s degrees and university degrees .

The extensive training catalog has almost 200 different options, grouped into eleven different areas of knowledge :

  • Automation
  • Quality
  • Mechanical design
  • Electricity and electronic
  • Renewable energy
  • Computing
  • Civil Engineering
  • Digital marketing
  • Maintenance and production
  • HR and Protocol
  • Welding

SEAS enrollment requirements

To enroll in SEAS studies, it will be necessary to attend to the level of each training  to know the access requirements. Attending to this category, we can find the following levels:

  • Master’s studies . It will be necessary to have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  • Studies for Specialists . It will be necessary to prove professional experience in the field of study.
  • Studies for Experts . It will be necessary to have a 1st or 2nd cycle degree or professional experience.
  • Higher or Technical Courses . It will not be necessary to present access requirements.

For the rest of the training courses, there will be no specific requirement or proof of theoretical or professional experience prior to enrollment.

SEAS teaching team

The quality and professionalism of SEAS is defined by the teaching team that integrates it. Its faculty is made up of coordinators, tutors, professional and specialized teachers in each sector of study of SEAS degrees. The three educational profiles that make up SEAS are divided into the following positions:

  • The coordinators , in charge of explaining the study methodology to the enrolled students and analyzing their progress as the course evolves, contrasting them with the objectives set.
  • The guardian group, performing a continuous monitoring of the student, guiding and motivating during the training process.
  • The specialist teachers of each subject, who personally plan the study, personally solving the doubts raised by the student and providing the basic information and necessary complements.

Where is the SEAS central building

The central building and headquarters of SEAS Estudios Superiores Abiertas is located in Zaragoza (C / Violeta Parra, nº9, CP 50015).

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