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Patricia enjoys watching her students progress


Patricia enjoys watching her students progress

BlogTutorialsNice storiesA Superprofe that Carries the Music Inside: Patricia enjoys watching her students progress

Although you have already answered this question a bit: since when have you had this passion for singing and music?
Has there been someone who has contributed to your passion for music?
From your perspective as a teacher, what do you think music brings to your students?
What are your musical or artistic influences?
Do you have a hero who symbolizes singing or music for you?
What do you like the most about teaching?
What is the most common profile among your students?
What do you think is the best attitude to learn?
What do you think are the main difficulties or obstacles for your students?
For you, what are the particular advantages over group classes in conservatories, academies, schools, etc.?
What makes you a Superprof?
Now that we live in the world of the Internet and new technologies: do you have any computer or Internet resources that you would recommend to your students?
Do you have any anecdote in your experience as a teacher?
Could you mention a book, a movie, a song and a trip?

A movie … or a play, if you prefer.: Patricia enjoys watching her students progress

Iam Patricia Medina, I am 25 years old and I started studying piano at 8 or 9. As time went by, as I have always liked to sing, I started getting into choirs, theater and interpretation classes, etc. In the end I decided to study lyrical singing (opera). Even so, I move a lot through musical theater and rock, which I love. Now, although I am from Alicante, I am in Madrid studying at the Escuela Superior de Canto.
Although you have already answered this question a bit: since when have you had this passion for singing and music?
Well, I don’t even remember. I know there are videos from when I was 3 or 4 years old where I would go out singing Spice Girls songs. In other words, it is something that I have my whole life; I cannot refer to any specific moment because it has always been there.

Has there been someone who has contributed to your passion for music?: Patricia enjoys watching her students progress

Yes, in the first production they made here in Madrid of La Bella y la Bestia , at the Lope de Vega theater, I was greatly impressed by the protagonist, Julia Möller (whom, in fact, I now know). At that moment I told myself that I wanted to do what she did.

From your perspective as a teacher, what do you think music brings to your students?: Patricia enjoys watching her students progress

I think it gives them a lot of security. Usually when they come to the first class they feel exposed, naked. This happens especially in singing classes, where we tend to be more exposed because we are using an instrument that we carry inside, so it is much more intimate and personal. Little by little, they overcome their shyness and fear and gain confidence in themselves. In addition, I think that in many cases teachers act more like psychologists and help them gain that security and progress.
You will be the star of karaoke!

What are your musical or artistic influences?

Since I like so many styles, it is hard for me to mention just a few. Within rock, I love Queen, Led Zeppelin … Rock par excellence. As for opera, I would say that I have always liked María Callas, although today I also really like Anna Netrebko, a well-known Russian soprano.

Do you have a hero who symbolizes singing or music for you?

If you talk to me about heroes, I think of Marvel and DC… Within music I would say that I spent a season watching and analyzing every detail in Anna Netrebko’s videos. I suppose she would be my example.

What do you like the most about teaching?

Well, I have a great time. I think I even have a better time than my students. I love seeing how they progress and grow. On the first day you can see that they have very good raw materials, but they have to get a lot out of them. As the months go by, they tackle increasingly complex objectives and I feel very fulfilled. I find it very gratifying to see how they are progressing and how happy they are with their progress.

What is the most common profile among your students?

I have a bit of everything. From young people of about 15 years to older people who have always wanted to sing and had never dared to do it. On the other hand, I have students who study musical theater or lyrical singing, who dedicate themselves in a more serious way to the world of music and need support classes.


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