Photography magazines and books to learn to photograph


Photography magazines and books to learn to photograph

Learn to master photo editing and natural light and to choose your photographic equipment thanks to a photography magazine!

Learn photography in a self-taught way
Books, training manuals or photo magazines – our reading tips for apprentice photographers!

Whether you want to be a fashion photographer in the future, a freelance photographer or a reporter, you will easily find  a book dedicated to your passion . Today, with the Internet, you only have to visit the official website of photography magazines to subscribe and receive your first copy at home.

These are  some  of the most popular photography magazines :

  • DNG Photo Magazine
  • Super Photo
  • C Photo
  • B&W
  • 1X Magazine
  • 43 MM Magazine
  • Amaze
  • Photographize
  • CameraPixo
  • Emerging Photographer
  • Phoze
  • The explorer

These written guides will accompany you throughout your learning, so take your time to  compare the different formulas  and rates to choose the best one.

However, to know everything about digital images, decorative arts or macro photography, don’t settle for photo magazines! Acquiring one or more  manuals to learn photography  is an excellent way to get started and discover new techniques. Take a look at popular writers like Scott Kelby to  develop your artistic sense  and critical eye.

Get out your tripod and camera, and start learning the basics of photography! Photography magazines and books to learn to photograph

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